@wwwillie weekly update AvT 4 weeks old tomorrow

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Amazon sells a kit with storage, pH7, and pH4 solutions for testing and storage. Atlas Scientific is the brand. I keep the meter in the solution and calibrate every two weeks or so. So easy and it keeps your meter running nice and you know it’s reasonably accurate.
I just wanted to add I wash mine with little bottled water before I place in the storage solution after each use.
I just wanted to add I wash mine with little bottled water before I place in the storage solution after each use.
Oh yeah, I have a little beaker I fill with distilled water when I use the probe. I rinse the probe in it before I test and between readings. Thanks for the reminder.
21day old Mephisto SourCrack, that topped herself also started flowering, on day 19.
Excuse my picture takin,I ain't very good at that.