:smoking:I second Waxi' on that! Ambering is a variable thing, best to check with others who've grown these strains and see if they're the stubborn type- LOL! Ambering comes from degraded THC actually, forming CBN, which is known for it's sleepy narcotic effect; neither of those strains is the couch-lock type, given their strong Sativa parentage (FE in particular), so keep that in mind,...FE can go anytime, Tyrones a little longer, if you still have a lot of clear trich's, but that's balanced against how fast the rest of the plant declines...
Did you ever figure out your soil pH? Recall, we were trying to determine if you had a lack-of defc., or some sort of lock-out happening,... That may have been an underlying issue all along,... As for how they aged, it sure looks like N was borderline defc. for a while, meaning there wasn't much stored by the plant, hence the really severe tapping of fans for their N,... not the worst thing that can happen, and past a certain point, when in bloom, "fixing" the yellowing is really just about slowing the pace of tapping; ditto for the micro's, but boosting them helps other nutrients get metabolized and working!... combined with the usual normal shutting down of leaves, it can make for some ragged looking girls by the end! I see some color started forming too, but was muddied by the fading fans, and possibly the earlier PK defc.,... that said, it was mild, and the buds formed up plenty well enough!

... Organics are more tricky, to be sure Bekay,...especially since it's up to the soil 'crobes to convert much of the nute's into absorbable forms; if the soil pH is off (regardless of what you input pH's are!), it messes with the 'crobes and their populations,... if that gets low or unbalanced, the conversion process is compromised, and nute turn-over is retarded,... plant may suffer defc. symptoms (some not outwardly visible) even if technically, there's stuff in there, just not in forms the plant can take up!,... consider a inoculant, or EWC tea--both!- to help keep up that herd,...molasses is a nice treat for them as well, plus the nute's it has in it (Ca, Mg, K, little Fe); also, organics are not that conc., so at 50%, things might have been suffering a limiting factor situation, like with the N; my understanding is that plants can absorb and store a great deal of the N they'll need even before blooming time comes,... without deep reserves, by later stage blooming, it can show up like it did here,...

Holler when you harvest!