New Grower Mephisto fall grow bonanza


It ain't spinach in my pipe!
Cultivators Club
May 4, 2022
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Jean0's Kush Kush
Well it is time for my fall grow to start. It is a Mephisto bonanza with Double Grape, CDLC, 3BOG, and finally Mephisto's Wedding. I will be using my new grow cabinet, .8m x .8m x 1.8m with ORCA grow film, my custom light setup, Rain Science Autoflower 5g grow bags and NLS autoflower living soil.


How does NLS work? Just water til harvest? Similar to adding Grow Dots? I want to shift toward this after all of my FF stuff is gone. Appreciate your help talon!
Great to have you along for the ride as well!
Supposedly it is a water til harvest living soil. I also have NLS Girl Flower Power which is top dressed and or used in a tea for flowering. We will see! I always have DTE 4-8-4 and a variety of other organic amendments to utilize if needed!
I made up a batch of 21 gallons of base soil, 3 parts coco(buffered), 3 parts peat, 4 parts perlite, 3parts Humus, and 3 parts earthworm castings with 1 pound of NLS autoflower concentrate. For the living soil I added 5 pounds of NLS autoflower concentrate to 20 gallons of that base. 1 gallon of the base will be used to start the plants.
Great to have you along for the ride as well!
Supposedly it is a water til harvest living soil. I also have NLS Girl Flower Power which is top dressed and or used in a tea for flowering. We will see! I always have DTE 4-8-4 and a variety of other organic amendments to utilize if needed!
Thanks for the reply. Would love to ditch the bottles. Was thinking about giving Grow Dots a shot after this current grow - with a COM blend, and just water/wetting agent/recharge the entire grow. I’ve never top dressed before. I imagine it isn’t too complicated? And you just do that in flower as like a supplemental feeding? Sorry for all of the noob questions! Lol
Top dressing is easy, I use a small brush to pull the soil over to one side, add whatever I am top dressing and brush the soil back over, and then do the other side, followed by a watering. Go light with the amendments, it is far easier to correct for too little than too much! LOL

I will also be using DynoMyco when first planted and Recharge when they start flowering.