Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Beary White

Here's a quick shot of the lot... The Bearys are the two centered in the lower row. I think the enzymes have finally done their deed in my old coco and I've got it washed to a good starting ppm. Pots are draining right now and ill give them a small precharge of pH'ed 5.8 cal-mag along with some Z7, microbe brew, and AN pH perfect sensi grow, then sprinkle great white over root zone before plugging into new pots. Ill update again when that's finished with more info. Here we are now though. Got a runty fastbuds
GG4 in middle on top row, but we'll leave her out of this since its a Mephisto journal!
They're a bit droopy cause its time for water, which they'll get once Im finished here. Peace and happy growing everyone
So ill continue on here but I've totally dropped the ball on these plants. My photos ran a lot longer than they should've cause I lost control of the temps, which caused the veg/auto room to overgrow itself, and I couldn't keep it warm in there either. Temps spent a few days in the 40s and probably 10 more in the 50s. Don't have the amperage available to run two heaters but I'm working on it.

May go back to HPS and turn the veg room into purely auto room until spring comes and temps go back up.

In gonna do my best to salvage them and do them some justice lol

Anyway, here's the last time I had them out which was Tuesday, 5 days ago.
They're pretty pissed off:finger:
Here's another update... They're looking quite a bit better. Been flowering close to a week now. These plants have HUGE fan leaves. The biggest ive ever seen by far. Ill pull them out for some better photos soon and place something next to the fan leaves for size reference
Update time... Wow I can't believe how long its been since I posted in here, and my apologies for it.
Life has been frankly terrible for the entirety of this grow and ive not given any of my poor plants close to proper treatment.
They've been left dry to the point of wilting and losing all lower major fan leaves on more than one occasion. The past 21 days ive only been able to water/feed them 4 times.
In coco that is a terrible thing as we all know!
Now ive got 16 plants of roughly this same size stuffed in a 4x6 area with photos and autos mixed running 12/12...
All because landlord decided it was time for an inspection:nono:
Was supposed to happen Monday morning and now could be any time between Tuesday and friday:cuss::cuss::cuss:
My plants will surely suffer as theyre packed in like sardines and only the tops can receive light.
This all comes on top of working only 4 weeks in the last 7 months due to company shutdowns, had my only vehicle and my boat repossessed and im now out of unemployment.
Anyhow, these are very hardy tough plants to be doing as well as they have through it all...