Indoor Mephisto & AutoPots

I don't know many people that do 1/3 strength. Most I know do full strength. With autos you don't get to take your time in veg mode before the switch to flowering like you do with photos. Its just goes. So you have limited time to grow before they flower so you want to maximize that time. I feed 1/2 strength for a couple of days and then full strength right away. I could even up the strength actually. This is with coco as the medium and at various times Remo, Advanced and Greenleaf nutes. Not saying this is going to work for everyone of course. But wanted to mention it as a caution to be careful of because of the limited time you have with autos.

Frequent watering is good though. I'd never do it once a week thats for sure. I'm watering 3 times a day on day 25 right now.

When I first started with these autos I'm doing now, I tried different strengths in all 6 of them. (Although I think I may have gotten lucky and gotten a photoperiod phenotype in the bunch)

In my current autoflower grow, they are sitting at Day 17 of flower. You can sort of see the nutrient burn in one of my plants, and that was caused by a full dose of the reccomended lowest dosage. I'll go take a current picture now actually so you can see a bit better what I mean about the burn on the one. Been a few days since I snapped a couple anyways. :P

My current and new nutrient line up may be a little strong though, it's not organic. It's the Reefertilizer Start, Grow, Bloom line up. Relatively new and wayyyyyyyyyyyyy cheaper then just about any full grow package I've bought.

It really could just be the genetics of these ones not enjoying full strength nutes, I did order some Mephisto Ghost Toof and Deez Nuggs to try. Hopefully they get here next week and I'll be able to try a full dosage again.

Just trying to share my limited experience with what I've had so far, hahaha :P
When I first started with these autos I'm doing now, I tried different strengths in all 6 of them. (Although I think I may have gotten lucky and gotten a photoperiod phenotype in the bunch)

In my current autoflower grow, they are sitting at Day 17 of flower. You can sort of see the nutrient burn in one of my plants, and that was caused by a full dose of the reccomended lowest dosage. I'll go take a current picture now actually so you can see a bit better what I mean about the burn on the one. Been a few days since I snapped a couple anyways. :p

My current and new nutrient line up may be a little strong though, it's not organic. It's the Reefertilizer Start, Grow, Bloom line up. Relatively new and wayyyyyyyyyyyyy cheaper then just about any full grow package I've bought.

It really could just be the genetics of these ones not enjoying full strength nutes, I did order some Mephisto Ghost Toof and Deez Nuggs to try. Hopefully they get here next week and I'll be able to try a full dosage again.

Just trying to share my limited experience with what I've had so far, hahaha :p

Interesting. Growing is never black and white. And the more information that gets shared the better it is. One thing I like about coco and RO water is there is really no grey area when it comes to nutes. I'd be scared shitless to use artificial nutrients and soil at the same time. I wouldn't know what to do or how much to use. At first anyway. What total day is your autos on? I know you said day 15 of flower. So is that about day 45 total?
Hey there, I am pretty new to autos as well and have a good amount of experience with photoperiods.

In your last picture I noticed that it seems a bit droopy and almost is looking nutrient burnt, I am just curious how much you amended the medium, or if you're using the same dosage as a regular photoperiod.

I've noticed that when I use like 1/3 of the lowest reccomended dose for most of my nutrient line ups, that my autoflowers have been responding a lot better to that in frequent feedings, as opposed to a once a week type thing. I've been doing a little bit every 2 days and it's working out a lot better.

Again, sorry! I am super new to Auto's too and just wanted to share what has been working best for me :)

Good luck and happy growing :)

Thanks for joining in! That plant was too close to the lights, she was put directly in an AutoPot and sat only 3-4" taller than the others, but it was enough to cause her issues. I feed very light as I'm scared I was going to kill them, maybe too light. I'm very hard on my photos and usually grow from clones so I didn't want to crispy critter these autos.
I will be transplanting the rest to AutoPots today, and I do feed lighter and more often as the coco dries out pretty fast with the fans and lights which I prefer.
About two weeks old seems like right about when they start to get going though, so don't lose hope now! :smoking:

I'm probably being an ass and worrying, it's what I do best :face: Maybe I should stop comparing to others, like if I was a guy I'd be freaking out in the locker room :crying::crying:

I don't know many people that do 1/3 strength. Most I know do full strength. With autos you don't get to take your time in veg mode before the switch to flowering like you do with photos. Its just goes. So you have limited time to grow before they flower so you want to maximize that time. I feed 1/2 strength for a couple of days and then full strength right away. I could even up the strength actually. This is with coco as the medium and at various times Remo, Advanced and Greenleaf nutes. Not saying this is going to work for everyone of course. But wanted to mention it as a caution to be careful of because of the limited time you have with autos.

Frequent watering is good though. I'd never do it once a week thats for sure. I'm watering 3 times a day on day 25 right now.

Mmmmm I should ramp it up then, no deficiencies showing but by the time they do it's too late. I think after transplant I will hit them harder. They just look so small but maybe I need to stop focusing on that and thinking they are delicate little wee things. I'll add B1 to the next feed as the one I did transplant, even with no root disturbances looks droopy.

Interesting. Growing is never black and white. And the more information that gets shared the better it is. One thing I like about coco and RO water is there is really no grey area when it comes to nutes. I'd be scared shitless to use artificial nutrients and soil at the same time. I wouldn't know what to do or how much to use. At first anyway. What total day is your autos on? I know you said day 15 of flower. So is that about day 45 total?

Day 15 from sprout, and seems like it's OK but like I said, I'm looking at other peopes sizes.. Umm plants that is :eyebrows:

Thank you everyone for your input, love to hear it all :bighug:
If I was you, I'd cull them all and start again.

  • I've grown out plants that looked like yours and was never happy. They were stunted and they took to long to mature and ripen. What a waste of time, electricity and talk about frustration.
  • I've had a 10 seed grow going that I messed up while seedlings that I culled around day 20 because they looked like a possible repeat of before and I was so much better off doing that.

Its early still so no lost time if you cull now. And beans are cheap in the overall big picture. Plus you have local friends who have lots of Mephisto beans in stock if you're low.

I really think you should cut bait and do a re-do.
Your over thinking it ,,,, you can grow photo plants, general plants and I am sure chilli plants :thumbsup:

Now get a couple more seeds planted :toke:just in case :pop:

Welcome Hairy One, yeah I've grown a lot of plants but also killed a lot too :crying:

If I was you, I'd cull them all and start again.

  • I've grown out plants that looked like yours and was never happy. They were stunted and they took to long to mature and ripen. What a waste of time, electricity and talk about frustration.
  • I've had a 10 seed grow going that I messed up while seedlings that I culled around day 20 because they looked like a possible repeat of before and I was so much better off doing that.

Its early still so no lost time if you cull now. And beans are cheap in the overall big picture. Plus you have local friends who have lots of Mephisto beans in stock if you're low.

I really think you should cut bait and do a re-do.

Well shit, what did I do wrong tho I wonder.
You're right I worry about waste but I have some extra seeds; good to know others have some too! I got more photo seeds so I kinda am hoarding these Meph beans.
Worse case by the time new seeds are ready if these take off, I'll find a place for the little new ones.
But if I cull them, wtf happened that they are all growing at the same rate?
I can't think of what else I could change other than heavier feed from the get go.
Welcome Hairy One, yeah I've grown a lot of plants but also killed a lot too :crying:

Well shit, what did I do wrong tho I wonder.
You're right I worry about waste but I have some extra seeds; good to know others have some too! I got more photo seeds so I kinda am hoarding these Meph beans.
Worse case by the time new seeds are ready if these take off, I'll find a place for the little new ones.
But if I cull them, wtf happened that they are all growing at the same rate?
I can't think of what else I could change other than heavier feed from the get go.

I know what you mean. I knew what I did wrong more or less before and the re-do was so much better because I made a change.

What medium are you using? Coco I think. Did you get the Canna coco bricks?

What you might want to consider changing is this. Use Canna coco bricks and hydrate them using 1/2 strength nutes and calmag. Change your nutes to Mega crop. I can give you some to get you started. Once you germ drop them in solo cups of coco instead of those plugs. 10 days later pot up.
I started with a bag of loose stuff from the pet store that is for reptiles, still pure coco. I mixed it 50/50 with perlite.
Tested runoff ppm and pH were fine. Supercharged with CalMag and a light feed of Grotek Kickstart. (tested the pH and ppm after this).
I picked up the Canna bricks and I'm transplanting with that and 30% perlite as I need to buy another bag.
I'm using MegaCrop and Sweet Candy now but adding in Calmag, fulvic & humic acid, and B1 for transplanting or other stress event.
Yeah I have a feeling the plugs may be shit, I won't use them again and just plant direct. I like the transition yogurt containers but maybe they are too big to start with?
Maybe I should stop comparing to others, like if I was a guy I'd be freaking out in the locker room

She’s a grower not a shower! Haha! I wish I’d caught up on your thread earlier, I laughed so hard ...

I’m feeling pretty glum about this grow myself. A couple false starts have got me down and the situation with my Ripleys OG. Everybody has huge plants and I have Crispy:

I’m going to keep her. Fuck, I should have picked her as the battle plant, they never would have seen that coming.
Personally I like roughly 95% coco and 5% hydroton. I don't like perlite. You can have mine. :biggrin: Perlite is not the problem obviously. But still the stuff sucks! I didn't realize you were using Greenleaf. No need to change that other than your strength. Did you see my mega crop feed schedule? i think I posted it in this thread earlier.

I'd absolutely do a re-do just because of the pet store coco and plugs being possible smoking guns. And use Canna coco precharged like I said and use the solo cups. Canna did a study on coco and concluded that coco should always have a min of 600 ppm feed water every time. Once you're in solo cups of coco put a clear cup on top for a dome until they sprout. Then top water about 1 oz a day of 1/2 strength (use my chart) nutes for about 2-3 days. Then switch to full strength and dunk and bottom feed to get that tap root down to the bottom of the cup, until day 10 from sprout. Then its transplant time. And use small pots. Oh shit, you're using the big ass autopots. I cut mine in half and also bought the half size as well and even those were too big. So I bailed on autopots for now. Probably forever. I'm not really a fan of them now.

I helped a local guy who was using HP promix and the same lights you have. He was getting lame shit assed advice from Incredigrow and Quickgrow. I do business with them both because i like the personal experience and supporting local businesses, but I find they don't know shit. A lot of their products and growing advice is just not with the times. Amazing Hydro is better. This guys grows just sucked before. Once he switched to to this method he was so happy with the results. Then he liked my autopots so he bought in to that and did really well with them too.