Outdoor Mephisto + Aussie sunshine

I got mine from seedsman paid for the resend if they didn't turn up. first order didn't show up after 35day they resent got them in 10 day and then my first order showed up after 50 days

Nice one. I'll keep them in mind for next time! When I contacted ILGM & the other mob about nothing turning up, they both offered me discounts on my next orders, which I was ok with, but yeah..

be careful with that stuff gave me nothing but problems watch ya ph with it

Did you notice the issues right away? I haven't measured the runoff ph yet, so I'm not sure where it's at. I would have loved to make my own mix, but time & money were issues. Plus this is my first auto grow and I'm still learning.

Cheers mate
Cheers mate! As I mentioned to @redeye jedi time and money were big factors in that decision. I'll be more organised next time round and make my own mix. Ahh well, can't win em all!
bit like me all good mate I made my super soil than read that they don't like full strength nutes got some of that mixed it in didn't check ph after I added it couldn't work out what was wrong and checked ph and it was at 4.5 so keep an eye on it
bit like me all good mate I made my super soil than read that they don't like full strength nutes got some of that mixed it in didn't check ph after I added it couldn't work out what was wrong and checked ph and it was at 4.5 so keep an eye on it
Were you seeing signs of burn or deficiency? Or were they just growing real shitty?
Be wary of any potting mix with slow release fertilizer in it

i’ll second that mate. never tried it with weed but it fucked my chilli plants right up untill i clicked and flushed the hell out of them. just fed water from seed but the soil was waaaay too loaded.
Righto, well I guess we can all agree that is far better to be proactive than reactive, so although no signs of issues yet, I'll give the girls a big flush the sarvo. Cheers guys. Appreciate the input.