Indoor Meef's 2x AutoUltimate attempt

They look really good! Can take more punishment than we like to think lol. I have to ask.....what is the blue laser in the pic?! A new way of administering nutes or some kind of security?! :crying:

The girls perked right up over night. Looks like they're a solid structure. Now to play the waiting game.

They look really good! Can take more punishment than we like to think lol. I have to ask.....what is the blue laser in the pic?! A new way of administering nutes or some kind of security?! :crying:

I didn't even notice that, lol. I take the photo with my iPhone through corrective lens glasses, and I guess that's what color came out? It's the top of my humidifier, it has a chrome ring around it. I've definitely given these girls some unintentional hell this grow, and they just seem to keep bouncing back.
Day 35
They're still trying to reach for the lights, so I'm going to keep them on beg nutrients even though they're showing pre flowers. I believe @A-Train 's girls stopped stretching around 42-43 maybe? I'm going to back my base nutrients off a hair, they're showing slight tip burn and I saw 2 claws. Other than that, they're happy to be back.

Looking awesome yes those girls aren't done yet. Give them grow for another week or so then switch if ya want to