Outdoor medicine under the sun


it's our choice...
Jul 22, 2011
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hey folks - hope everyones keeping well

I've been a bit slack on here lately so thought I open up an outdoor thread and put up a cple of girls. Hopefully more to add as time goes.

MI5 followed by a random from Short Stuff seed pack. Both started in coco/perlite under lights till showing sex then tiered/planted into soil. Mi5 in a hempy bucket to try it out as might use similar indoors...


MI5.jpg Mi5b.jpgMI5c.jpg

and short stuff mystery seed transplanted into organic mix


looking forward to growing more outdoors - gotta be fairly hidden of course which is a shame as cant have them out in as much sun as is available but will be trying to fit as many in here and there as possible.
man thats so cool that you have a little spot
for some safe outdoor sun for your girls.
and it looks like you are well on your way...
no problems,no worries...only sweet bud
in your future

welcome back :peace:
cheers matey - hope you and yours are keeping well :smokebuds:

Ive still been a bit slack on here of late - eyes playing up heaps - double vision (more than double but thats the best basic description) seems to be getting a lot worse and the flashing lights etc have been in fairly full effect (not as bad as they can get though) which is crap in itself but also leads to lotsa headaches, stress etc etc - arrghh! so been limited in computer time. Crap thing is that with my eye pressure currently at about as low as its ever been thanks to my eye drops and my good friend canna and with the double vision meant to have been fixed by the multiple surgeries I had a while ago but obviously not fixed there is possibly more underlying undiagnosed probs or current probs combining to create super symptoms. Im not sure but is possibley due to since spring is here with a shinier sun and since I have an enlarged iris, no lenses to filter, glaucoma etc etc which heightens glare and a super thin retina is that the sun is doing damage to the eye as it streams in. I have a super thin retina which has a penchant for heamoraging etc so Ive got my fingers crossed at the moment Im not getting more retina problems due to the sun coming in as a heamoraging retina (macular edema or whatever its official title is) is no fun whatsoever (is an absolute undescribable mindfuck where the world not only seems upside down but literally looks upside down due to the retina not processing information properly amongst many other crazy symptoms) and having had a few previously I dont think my eye can take too many more of them and still even remotely function... anyway - we will wait and see or not see as the case may be...

Yep, am lucky can now do a little outdoor work out the back - cant do guerilla grows since cant drive etc and obviously cant have them out in the middle of the yard in the best sun nor have as many as Id like (would love a house with a little land out of town!) but definetely like having the outdoors - seemingly simpler though I'll prob change that view when "nature" stricks with force. Will try my best to fit as many small plants in as I can - no real worry from neighbours as should be fine on all sides, just mainly a matter of not wanting to have them too obvious for the kids/teens of my family when they visit but would be nice to get a good supply from the outdoors over summer so can cut back on electricity inside.

A question for you folks - ive looked through here and there in regards to long term storage of canna but with the real threat that sooner rather than later and it is a when not if at this stage, I go totally blind Im keen to know of any longterm storage ideas that have worked or may work. When I go totally blind (or even a little worse than I am now) I just won't be able to grow nor arrange purchase and I won't expect anyone to break the law for me and grow but obviously Im gonna need something to help me laugh, sleep and generally find reasons to keep finding reasons so I am thinking I will have to try and organise myself to have a decent amount stashed for that purpose. So yeah any though tips on long term storage wld be appreciated. I gather freezing is best not done and well stored in jars in a cool, dry, dark place can store decently for upto about 2 years(??) but Id be very interested in any other ways to store for longer...



Im gonna have to make sure I have a good rotation - not just to make sure I have enough meds on hand but just from a "gerdeners" perspective is nice having plants in flower - always a pleasure to peek at and smell!!
cheers mate - I'll definetely be checking those options out
glaucoma..your PH pen not arrived yet...?

Storage bud and seed I do in Mason jars..(US)..Kilner Jars..(UK)..the glass jars with the rubber gasket around for canning fruits etc..

If you do it Right..by Heating the bottle before sealing..it forms a sort of vacuum seal..and will keep fresh as long as the seal is not broken.

When I go totally blind (or even a little worse than I am now) I just won't
be able to grow nor arrange purchase and I won't expect anyone to break the law
for me and grow but obviously Im gonna need something to help me laugh, sleep
and generally find reasons to keep finding reasons so I am thinking I will have
to try and organise myself to have a decent amount stashed for that purpose.

You Need to Train yourself to Grow Blind now...even if you build yourself a stash up..enough for a couple of years..what are you gonna do then.

Believe me Bro..I'm not making light of your situation..but if You think you are gonna go blind completely....
I Think you could grow canna for yourself by using your nose and hands only..

I'll help Train you if you want..I Think we could do it..:wiz:
cheers TBM - that pump n seal does look pretty good - nice and easy to which suits me. Couldn't see canna on their list of what can be sealed though - might have to let em know! I've got a heap of food preserving jars in the shed (not proper mason jars) so those combined with the pump n seal might be best current option. :smokebuds:

Wiz - growing blind would be an interesting project indeed and sounds better than learning braile! Yr right, at best Id be able to store with a few years supply (thats looking at the merits of sealing - will be a bit before I have a few years worth of stash!) No worries at all in regards to not making light of the situation - its a reality I have to face so better to try and be organised for it, to be honest I am damn lucky the end of last year wasnt the end of my vision, only due to a number of emergency surgeries that can still sorta see though as it is Im right on the cusp of "useable vision". Now that the family is more on board with the canna I can prob ask a family member to help with growing though I'll be trying to have myself prepared as much as possible since whilst its stupidly illegal I dont wanna put family at too much risk. More and more the illegality really pissed me off - the available glaucoma meds are shit house as far as side effects go and Id really like to be able to try phoenix tears and other methods of intake but is freaking ridiculous that someone who can barely see has to produce their own medicine (exact measurements etc etc and not making mistakes arent exactly things blind folks are good at so I think cannabutter will be about as indepth as Ill be able to go on that front) - yet if I wanted to get my hands on some opiates etc etc etc or eye drops that are fatal in relatively small doses I could just go straight to the chemist with only a few dollars in hand... I wonder if when I get a guide dog I can get one with some sniffer dog training!?!

My top of the line PH pen didnt make it - supplier still out of stock but have got a cheapy cheapy chinesy for the moment.

cheers folks for the help and advice - it is appreciated. :smokebuds:
have you considered making an edible form of meds
like canna-butter or coconut-oil ,it freezes well for long term
and only 100 grams of wet harvest yields a 120 doses @
1/4 ounce.
My girlfriend's dad was shot twice in the head back in desert storm. He is now blind and almost fully deaf, but he still has a rocking veggie garden! Not trying to get too much into your personal life glaucoma, but if you are based in the UK you should check out Thrive.

Also there is a ton of other good info and support groups out there for blind gardeners. Here is some stuff for you to check out if you get some spare time


hey RSV - hope yr well. Yep definetley keen to make some cann butter - have the butter (Ghee and another cooking butter plus will try the coconut overtime as well) - have the slow cooker - now just gotta get in the harvests! Being a long time smoker the first harvest is keeping that front supplied and will be a bit more comfortable experimenting with the cooking once I have a bit more to play with. Looking forward to it so I can smoke less plus a nice handy ay to secretly consume on the rare occasions Im out and about. Was thinking last night actually that a little cannabutter in a small lip balm type container wld be very handy and noone would blink an eyelid if pulled it out of the pocket and had a bit!

cheers Roller, that is really good to hear!! Im in Australia but will check those links and see if theres anything similar. Awesome - thats actually the kinda services that the visual impaired want! :smokebuds:

I was picturing myself before out in the garden, smelling and feeling a row of plants and their fat buds thinking I was being all quiet and secretive - when in actuality a police drug task force etc were standing in the yard... "He's got no fucking idea we are here does he?" "Has he managed to grow all them blind??" "Kudos - lets not arrest him but go help him harvest and roll some fattys instead!".
Hey Mate! Sorry to hear of your vision troubles lately... You know I could never understand fully what you go through Bro but I feel for you Bro! Sucks that we are on opposite sides of the planet and I can't help ya more but you know I'll do what I can. :thumbs: Hope you are well medicated Brother. :smokebuds: