Indoor MedCzech’s ManCave-BioTabs & “The Flavor Chase”


Tinkering in the ManCave!
Cultivators Club
Apr 24, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
A Mephisto buffet of deliciousness like Double Grape, CDLC, 3BOG and so much more!
MedCzech’s ManCave

Featuring BioTabs this run as the main star and I just need to follow directions. We shall see how that goes.

PineApple Express from Fastbuds
Gorilla Glue from Fastbuds
Sour Livers from Mephisto
Orange Biscuit Illuminauto from Mephisto
Purple Nuggets Illuminauto from
Creme de la chem x Sour Stomper special edition hybrid from Mephisto

All germinated over last 48 hours with filtered water with a low percentage solution of H2o2.

All are now in Root It starter pods in their pots with all additives and watered in with organic solution as well.
I won’t bore you with details at this time.


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Environment is looking perfect, with the new heater will keep RH higher than the convection heater I had.
Now I can keep her steady at around 60 to 70% no problem.
Under the domes they will be close to 80 or 90%, nice little incubators:)

Seedlings should flourish in this stuff.


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Little problem with photos, but ok for now.

Here is what went into the pots.

First I mixed Bio-Bizz lite soil, with about 40% perlite, Startrex from BT, and Silicium Flash from BT.

I all pots I put the special golden filter in the bottom, the airdomes, then I covered that in the mix, then I put a layer of pure perlite about 3 cm thick with about 75 grams of bat guano slow release tablets, then more mix up to the top. In the top 5 cm I mixed some mychorrizea I have from Extreme Gardening, about two tablespoons each pot. The final step was to fill each hole with their Mycotrex, a special blend from BT and then inserted the Root It grow pods which had seeds which had already popped.

I buried them just under the soil and covered them all with Propagators to aide in moisture.

The environment is around 27C and RH around 65% outside the domes. Now comes the wait. How many will come up and say hello to the world! Let's hope they all do.

Two 60w cobs running 3500k
One 125w double cob running 3000k
One 125w blurple reflector series with bloom and veg switch

All true watts! I have another 200w true led light if needed later in flower.


Well you would think there are none, but that isn't true. You heard what already went in. My plan is this. Around week three I will hit them with a mix of Organitrex and Bactrex, plus a very light top dressing of silicium flash to keep Cal Mag issues at bay.

At week five I will feed them again this solution for the last time, but there will be a higher concentration of the Organitrex. I will again top dress at week seven with SF. From weeks five to seven I will also give them bio PK 5-8 a booster from BT, plus some teas as well. Also at week five they will get another tab from BT crushed and top fed during that entire week. All other feedings will be using filtered tap water only. I am not even checking ph on anything, nothing at all. Crazy we go.

I like this kind of grow already.

The new heater in place, humidifier rocking, warm and toasty in there with some nice thick air. Should be a haven for these little gals. Come on now, get your game on and let's make some happiness!
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