Me and My Pee Pee

Cold and wet..temp dropped 25 in about 7days...i feel good ..had to turn the heat on last night and it has my nose stuffy
Cold and wet..temp dropped 25 in about 7days

That's Normally when I keep Warm...or your extra energy will all be used keeping your Temps up...

had to turn the heat on last night and it has my nose stuffy

IF it turns to Cold symptoms..that is a PH drop...:coffee keep an Eye on it..
That's Normally when I keep Warm...or your extra energy will all be used keeping your Temps up....
will do

IF it turns to Cold symptoms..that is a PH drop...:coffee keep an Eye on it.
:stylez rasta smoke:
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6.9........ i feel good.......:stylez rasta smoke: even the stuffy nose is gone
my Ph pen is dead ....i guess my pee killed think the last ttwo reading are not right i check it against my blue lab and it's off by at least first pee of this morning is 7.1.....
I did that when the BP measure went of...Nooooooooooo..I'm Dead......:Stones slap:..I haven't got a Pulse...
