Good News and Bad News..
The Good News is..We are probably Curing your feet problem right now by keeping your PH in the right range...
The Bad News probably won't See the benefits for around 6 months..because that is how long it takes to grow a new toe you will be looking at Old damage for a while.
Now the feet..a couple of things I can recommend to Help start that skin start to shed and keep infection at bay...and deodorised...

First off..feet soaks..either baking soda or Epsom salts.
Half a tub of baking soda or a big handful of Epsom salts.
Soak for as long as you can..then gently buffer the dead skin with a cloth or flannel.
Don't use mechanical methods to remove or you are in danger of removing too much and causing infection.
If you have a bath..treat yourself to an Epsom salts is detoxing and a great muscle pain reliever.
In the can order the Epsom salts from Amazon..or get it from the chemists.
The Girls Love it too.
Also..if you have synthethic fashion shoes/trainers..get rid...and get a pair of leathers.
High cotton content socks...
and Sprinkle your socks Lightly with baking soda when you wear them.
Baking soda dosed liberally into trainers overnight and shook out in the morning gets rid of trainer odour..