Indoor Mdanzig's Sour60

sexy ladies bailer, especially that really sativa-leaning pheno, wow what a hot mama! u should throw some pollen on 1 of her branches:hump: bom-chika whow whow!
Oh wow, getting to that stage where everything is filling out and just when ya think it's about as fat as it's gonna get it gets a bit fatter. Super nice pics BTW! + Rep for nice pics!
Oh wow, getting to that stage where everything is filling out and just when ya think it's about as fat as it's gonna get it gets a bit fatter. Super nice pics BTW! + Rep for nice pics!

Got some more pics.. Everything is starting to stink up the house. and the frosty ones are getting frosty!!!!!

The sativa dom one smells soo good.. The best way i can describe it, would be a c99 sort of pinapple smell with skunky bits to it.. but a definate spice. I hope it smokes as good as it smells!!

On that note i'll start us off with her. I have started to back off the N the last watering. Will give her one more good feed, then i'll start the flushing. She is going to finish first i think. This is the 60day pheno for sure.




Here is a budshot from the REALLY frosty one.. she has a babypoo kind of smell.. Should be some dank if i get some amber from her.

Check out the Cloven sour60!!
Getting very frosty! Baby Poo? Different smell to me from any of my girls. I' glad they smell like spices, sweet yummies. and tart tasties. baby poo? I'd smoke it anyway. It's looking great!
dam look at those trichs!

Shall we?



I am looking forward to smoking the poo smelling one. haha not because it's poo smelling but because allot of good pot smells like skunk/poo rotting ass.. So i have my fingers crossed.
:crying: JM, You high ain't you?

Bailer, soooooooooooo frosty. yum. fingers crossed to bring on the POO
what? lol no way. COPS have to tell you they are a cop. steakouts and undercover is a LIE.

and by high i never am talkin bout some kinda of illegal something or other. I'm only aways talking about the feeling you get sometimes right after taking some meds.