Dragon Meds McB's Russian Dragon grow

a tsp of Epsom was diluted in res water and then added to combat the cal/mag issue.
EC soared and pH has been fluctuating throughout the night,wont be doing that again...
stabilized it this morning at a very high 1.7(tap is 0.31) so 1.4 EC @ 5.55pH,i will see how she reacts today and treat accordingly

I have however found my problem!
as a hydro noob without meters,i assumed i had hard water due to the taste and pH,as it turns out i have soft water,and the ghe micro hard water i have is further softening it.
Will correct it with next nute purchase
Check out the Genesis formula from Green air products.. Works in hard or soft water... Also manufactured in the states... If that's were you are bro.. You should get it easy enough...

Peace out bro.
Nope,Im in South Africa.
the land of minimal nutes,DIY dwc tubs and zero pre bought soil mixes.
hydro wise we still exist on GHE or a powdered nute range by starks and ayres.
Bio Bloom is available,and the GHE range can be ordered with a 1-2 week wait.
i haven't heard of any other nutes or supplements available for hydro locally.
One guy is mixing his own gh 3 part,have 3 l to test.
bloom is insane with regard to pH,drops it from 5.6 to 3!...i just dont trust it,so im running it on an outdoor green pepper dwc to see if it explodes or kills me babies
Ok mate I see... I will say this about your nutes dropping your pH... That genesis stuff I talking about drops my tapwater pH from 6.8-7.0 to 3.7!! 2 full pipettes of pH up to bring it into range... But my lady loves it bro.. So I wouldn't worry about it dropping your pH as long as you have plenty of up!!

GH 3 part or 2 part with the lucas formula is good stuff as well though bro.. But don't worry about the pH drop..
cool,was just vastly different to the GHE bloom which it was supposed to be a copy of,so it raised suspicions
How is this for a challenge,i leave home for 10 days next tuesday.
I have until then to write/create an interactive document to get my gf understanding and monitoring my hydro grow...see why simplicity is key?
EC pen & pH meter first on the shopping list.. Although for DWC those are a must anyway..
I have the meters,that's no concern.
Im absolutely addicted to the control of hydro,the absolute power :)
the same cannot be said for the gf,to her its a chore,and an unfamiliar one at that.
basically i will receive daily meter readings and pics of the plants and i can diagnose and advise like that.
Im hoping i can leave the combo meter in the res and just turn it on for the daily readings.
Before i leave i will do a full change and meter calibration so she will only need to do top ups.
At the moment she is feeding very light so it will mostly be simple water without nutes.
I cant say i have ever checked and found low EC high PH,so i think i am still overfeeding
hoping my epsom experiment hasnt caused too much damage,she is currently at her highest EC to date,no signs of burn overnight,but ph dropped to 5.3.
adjusted to 5.55 this morning but left the EC at 1.70.
If it looks bad i will do a res change again tonight
now starts that annoying time of they day between my workday ending at 16:30 and my gf's ending at 18:00....c'mon i want to go see my babies
regretting my resolution to not smoke at work!
maybe i should start hunting for some uber elusive coconut oil....cooking kind is tricky to find here