Lighting May attempt a DIY cob build need help


Colorado Legal Babeeee!!!
Sep 4, 2015
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a Little Dab 'll Do Ya.ask Elvis !!
hi guys , @BigSm0 recommended i start here so here i am..a bit about my goal and my current conditions/equipment... I open grow due to uncontrollable heat issues in a tent setup..i currently run 2 HID setups,a MH/HPS ,both 600 watts. I grow in coco,2 gallon geo pots and am set on that part,the lights i have are rated to about a 4x4 area but a push em a bit due to the training of the plants and have a spread of about 5x5, i think i would like a cob setup,to put max lumens to a 5x5 area,i am open to all suggestions since most of you in here have waayyy more experience.I welcome all input but if you suggest a certain product or procedure,please explain why,because it can be assumed i know nothing about a diy led,i can follow instruction and can fab the frame. Rule 1) make sure what you recommend is safe cause others will see and possible build a similar setup...i seen these on the bay,but dont know if they would fill the bill
There are so many ideas in my head on this.. I am on my phone so I will get on a pc later and answer with what I believe will be both efficient and high lumen output
Sorry for the delay on getting in. Took my 3yo daughter to work today and man it's hectic. Budelee Assure you that the money invested will be repayed in energy and heat savings in the first 2-3 grows. Understand that the original leds, blurple epistar have really put a serious damper on the minds of growers. They are not more efficient and watt for watt have very little savings on heat vs hps bulbs. Lower wattage is lower heat but under no circumstance is a $100 panel drawing 200 watts is any more powerful then it's 200 watts. The "complete" spectrum with peaks in red and blue are not the end all spectrum. Most of these companies are now converting to white light because it works!

Some important points that are talked about when seeing leds advertisements. High par, now par is important but certain colors register higher numbers. Par is important but it is an unfair test measure.

Efficiency is light to heat ratio, cheaper leds and 88% efficient drivers are 20-25% light to heat. For every 100 watts your plants are seeing a max of 25 par watts while you dump 75 watts of heat into your room. A recent test on a 1695$ light using similar leds and drivers came back at 22.5% light and 77.5% heat. I can't imagine how less expensive panels fair.

Hps is close to these above numbers. The recent success of ceramic metal halide or lec light emitting ceramics are 43% efficient and this is the reason why people are doing so well with them. Nearly twice as much light is hitting the plants vs a hps bulb.

After allllll this typing and typing the point is as much for you as the rest of the folks reading, cob technology is completely proven. It's tested, measured and calculated. There are no "claims" in cobs, it's facts. Depending on budget you can hit 60+% efficiency. I don't necessarily recommend dumping ass loads of cash on lights. Many of us have made a switch to as efficient but less expensive cobs. Northern grow lights is a fantastic vendor here that sells these parts at very affordable prices. When I get another free minute I'd be happy to put together some sort of parts list for you. I figured this to be the best spot to help educate and focus the upcoming led purchases towards cob technology
I'd go with a 12 COB 900 watt build to rock the crap out of the 5x5! (3) 4 COB bars running 3590's/Vero 29's HARD 4 COB's per meanwell 32--2100B wire each bar to dim independent of each other and call it a day. :biggrin:
Im liking what i am hearing so far from all you guys,and i cant say Thank You enough for all the tips and advice,i am open to any and all suggestions since ill be starting from ground "zero" on knowledge.In the original post i stated what i am looking for to cover said area,i do have some money set aside( about a grand) to buy the parts but if needed i can buy a bit at a time..using less power and making less heat, all while saving money could allow me to expand my grow area which would be great..did anybody look at the link to the cobs i posted,and have any thoughts? There was a few that came up in a search but my thoughts were,at that price they should be more efficient/better than something of lower cost..i could be wrong tho...
Remember not to overkill it honestly think 3 rows of 4 would be plenty I am running 2 rows and it is insane .. I would for sure go with 140 pin heat sinks