New Grower massgrass' first plants ever! Cob. Organic. Gbd super soil. Auto Mazar, Sour Crack, and friends.

Apologies for my scarcity.
Crazy Busy.
A disproportionate number of terrestrial issues requiring immediate attention.
A life changing decision or two.
It's all good in the 'hood, tho.

In brief: Every plant made it to harvest. 11 in the jar. 7 strains.
Once I filled enough jars to provide, I stopped weighing them.
My first two beans were DP Auto-Mazar. I chose them cause they looked hard to kill, and I thought Afghani would be an appropriate tribute to bless my tent with.

All subsequent genetics : @mephisto. Huge Fan. Seed Collector. On plant [HASHTAG]#19[/HASHTAG], 13th strain. No plans to stop.

Finally figured out my chlorosis affliction.
Made nice with the GBD Super Soil. My bad.
(Blue Toof, Creme Bubbly, Gold Glue)

Now BioTabs, BioBizz Lite. Like they roll at The Farm.
(AvT s.p. x2, HBSS x2, Skylar White)

I made up a hashtag. Lets bang it up. @Biotabs F69


"I'm a rebel, Soul Rebel.....[emoji12] "
Robert Nesta Marley

Lights are always on, back at The Conservatory.

I may start a "Second Grow" thread when I come back. Things are changin....transitions...all for the POSITIVE!.

" Changes aren't permanent, but change is."
neil peart

[emoji271] [emoji111]


Jah Strength

check out my first grow. [emoji271]
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Can't wait to see how that scope works for you, I've never really been happy with anything I've tried yet.
hi Jingo!
the resolution wasn't all that, but I kept it to keep workin on. Learning to read the other signs. Pistils. Leaf color.

thanks again for your early help and encouragement. i am fully in love with this.

Jah Strength

check out my first grow. [emoji271]
Hello @massgrass . Just read thru all of your journal here. :nicethread: I really like your approach and attention to detail, and obviously your commitment to getting a great product. Tag me in if you startup another journal.
Hello @massgrass . Just read thru all of your journal here. :nicethread: I really like your approach and attention to detail, and obviously your commitment to getting a great product. Tag me in if you startup another journal.
Wow. I wish I had time to keep up my AFN thang. Your kind words just made my week (winter?)

Genuine warmth and human thanks to all my AFN brothers and sisters who welcomed me with open arms, held my hand, fired me up, and settled me the F* down. I am in love.

I was in the middle of giving my son "The Man who does what he loves, never works a day in his life" speech.

I had to stop.[emoji613][emoji113][emoji978]️

I have NOT/can NOT/will NOT ever LIE TO THIS PERSON.

And I was completely full of [emoji90]. Because I had finally found (accepted) my passion.

So now, thanks to @derek420, Mephisto Mitch, GBD, TaNg, BioTabs f69, and all y'all motherflowers I am designing my dream Cannareer. And keeping the trusty MEPHISTO GENETICS FEMINIZED AUTOFLOWERS p..p...p...PUMPIN!!!!

Instagram first try: Bay Colony Organic Cannabis. Not bad. Fun.

Next up: IG. Great Blue Organics. "Colony" word had bad connotations to me. Oppression. Invasion. Enslavement.

Great Blue Hill. Just west of Boston. Natives called it "Massachusett"
More Better.[emoji854][emoji172][emoji271][emoji885]️

"I shall return" McArthur
"I'll be back" Terminator
"Give me that 20, and wait right here" some dude that owes me 20$. LMAO

@Biotabs F69


born to spread the faith. to sow the seeds of knowledge. to illuminate every square inch of ignorance and misinformation. to nurture The Leaves of the Tree. The Healing of the Nation. [emoji172][emoji885]️[emoji271]