Indoor MasonJar’s Indoor Adventure

Day 15
Really starting to perk up
@DCLXVI everything is firing like a tuned motor right now. The new tent configuration is running very well and much cooler than before.

I did preorder the new AC Infinity T3 humidifier so I can get the Walgreens version out of the tent.

The mycelium is banging and 📍 everywhere. I have another allinone bag staging in the closet and just mixed the whole bag up yesterday as it was about 20% spawned into the grain. Seems like thorough mixing is key to a good full flush.
Day 23
Oh Boy where do I start…. The Kind Led X750 is kicking ass and doing it job nicely. Btu’s generated have been very manageable and don’t see the in-line fan running much above 2 on occasion.

Haven’t seen plants so happy before in the tent. I also attribute it to the new soil mix… Bio365 BioAll and some Down to Earth inputs (BioFish, BioLive, BioAll Purpose) topped with Coots Mix I ran through the vitamix and top dressed. The soul of this mix came from @FullDuplex Thank You! I just used different ratios of the inputs. Basically more LOL

Doing watering every 3rd day because when I put my probe into the soil it’s been plenty damp on day 2 and want to keep a regular water cycle.


Rucu Cucu is a 80’s bush

@Jean-O Blue Dog was the last I sprouted that’s why it’s in the back of the tent.


The @Twenty20 Adam @Waira Autowrecks in the middle are doing well.


SSSC N Dragon Fuel dead center is doing nicely much like the outdoor I ran last summer. I was curious if I was going to see much variation.

The Sensi Blue Bullet is pretty bushy too.

Lastly really can’t wait to see what this Humbolt Seed Co Dream Queen does. It’s supposed to be a real yielding plant.
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