What is 4/20 and why is it on April 20?
4/20, in short, is a holiday that celebrates cannabis. Why is it a day of celebration for cannabis enthusiasts? The true origins remain a bit of a mystery.

The most widely circulated theory is that the holiday arose from a ritual started by a group of high school students in the 1970s. A group of California teens ritualistically smoked marijuana at 4:20 p.m. each day. The ritual spread and soon 420 became the code name for smoking marijuana. Eventually, for calendar purposes, 420 was converted to 4/20, and the day of celebration was born.

April 20 is cherished by marijuana smokers around the world and used as an annual reason to smoke with friends and large crowds. There are large gatherings all over the United States, especially in places like Colorado, California and other states where marijuana has been legalized.

As support for marijuana legalization grows, celebrations are becoming more mainstream and commercialized. As a result, cannabis and related businesses are looking to use the festival to find more ways to sell and market their products. It also tells us that with the legalization of marijuana, it has brought a lot of changes to our lives.

Question: When did you become a cannabis enthusiast?:jointman:
I used to bunk off school in the 90's in an old abandoned house right besides the school and get high smoking bongs and go in at lunchtime for the munchies. Haven't stopped since.
Look at me now teachers
Hope im doing ya proud.
I appreciate that, but I need more power than that, this is going on a light mover to cover a 5'x8' area with a low height.

I need a wide body light that has a very even map up close.

The light mover will prevent burn by moving to a new position before the leaves can get too hot.
Happy 420 everyone:cheers: I hope you enjoy your smoking time.:headbang:
BTW, Mars Hydro 420 one day sale is going on, check your favorite toy on www.mars-hydro.com
Mars Hydro 420 Sale-1.jpg