This is a question asked by our customer, his leaves looks like that, and he thought the reason is to put the light too close. I personally think its because of lack of Calcium and Magnesium.Let me get more photos to ananlyze this problem
This is the full show of plants~
First sign of light burn is leaves point upwards and start to V shape. 2nd sign is edge of leaves start to yellow while center stays green. Should leave the light more far away from cannopy?
This is the full show of plants~
First sign of light burn is leaves point upwards and start to V shape. 2nd sign is edge of leaves start to yellow while center stays green. Should leave the light more far away from cannopy?
This is the full show of plants~
First sign of light burn is leaves point upwards and start to V shape. 2nd sign is edge of leaves start to yellow while center stays green. Should leave the light more far away from cannopy?
Sorry for the late reply dear...
Looks like mid-late flower magnesium deficiency!
1g magnesium sulphate per litre of water in the next feed should see it good until harvest ✌✌
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