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If you can't open the Contact Us page on the link that I posted, you can go to our website and click the contact us, we just want to make sure that all of you can open that, and when you send email to us we can received.
When you have any problems you know where to find the email address and contact us.
Hi Dear customers,

Christmas is around corner, so excited because we will also have three days holiday:yay:
This Christmas Sales will start and it will last two days from 19th Dec. to 20th Dec.
The single light or tent will have 10% off, and the light and tent combo will have 15% off.
Mars Hydro Cup 3

Winner Category :

1. Best Grow journal :
Journal from start to end, record every grow step is very important to win .

2. Best grow result:
whoes grow get the highest gram per watt, who can win this category. Grow journal is necessary, only grow result post will not be choose by judge.

3. Best Spreader:
who get most likes and share (one share=5 likes) when you post information about us, please tag MarsHydro .

4. Best picture
We will take some pictures from your grow journal then put it on our facebook and Instagram, who get the most likes who win this category, but if you buy likes, your rights will be cancelled.

5. Best Video:
who shows Video in internet for us, email us the link, we will find out the best one. Useful is very important for this category.

Award or the products we would like to sponsor every winner:

4 Mars Pro II 80 LED light ( will be released 5,Jan, 2017),
1 Mars hydro 4'x4' grow tent,
4 Bar 24 LED-120 cm( set up at each corner of the tent),
1 pair of yoyo hanger,
1 pair of Glass for led grow light only ( we will release the glass 5,Jan, 2017)


[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. Plants must be grown with only a MARS LED LIGHT. No CFL no t5/8 no HPS. Just a MARS light which is selling on , If you do not know, please go to check website first.

[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. You should have to show some kind of progressive growth. From seed/clone all the way thru flower. Whether it be Photos,A video time line,Or just clips of videos. And you can post your grow journal or picture or video everywhere you want. forum, social media ,etc, but you need to email us and tell us where you post, then we will post your information on our website for checking.

[HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] Share your strain and feeding schedule. You don't have to give up what your secret potions are. Unless you want to. But should share how often they are being fed.
I.E. Once a week feeding once a week water. Feeding with every water. No feeding at all.

[HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG]. What size is your garden. Bigger gardens have to balance more lights to get even coverage.

Procudure: Begin your grow --- Post your grow record on internet--- email to The link of your post will be put under this news--- you are one of the mars hydro competitors--- you keep posting, one week one update at least--- till the end of grow, Mars Hydro will choose winner --- Mars Hydro announce the winner--- Mars Hydro ship the award products to winner

Mars Hydro Cup 3:Begin 1,Jan,2017 End:30,April,2017

All the rights reserved by Mars Hydro