Don't feel sad for me you should feel sad for the customers you have potentially dropped in the shit,prison is not a nice place trust me I know.

WoW I am really glad I did not order anything from them, this is how I look at this situation... If you are a chronic pain patient like I am, when I go to the pharmacy to pick up my pain medication even though it is a "Legal" medication I do not want the pharmacy printing the bag with OXYCONTIN or Opiate pain medication or whatever the pain medication may be. Stuff like that is just personal information that you do not want every Tom, Dick and Harry to know about because like Tang said all it takes is one shady asshole, and it is not necessarily problems with the law but people trying to break in on you and your family, putting them in DANGER and that is not cool...
I've thinking about a LED light from Mars..But I do have a concern after reading this post..Hmm..I'll have to keep a eye on this and hope that this problem is solved soon...

Apparently the demand isn't so huge they haven't used up their warehoused stock as this subject was brought up on a couple other forums back in february and they said new stock would be in different boxes. In this business one would expect them to operate differently. It doesn't take an Einstein to solve this if they were truly interested.
there is a huge demand for tents. That being said most people in the know do not buy 300 d or 210 d oxford cloth. they buy 600 d or 900 d or 1680 d tents. There sizes are not what most people want. so that is probably why they are not moving as much. 60 days in the grand scheme of things is not very long in the business world. We have no clue how much stock they had and have now. I am impressed with how Mars gets on the internet to comverse with there customers. The people that I purchased my light off have no such recourse at least they have a internet presence they do not hide. They might be a little slow on this paticular situation but on a whole I do believe they are a very trustworthy company. I will never puchase a tent why they do not carry whati need but if I need a new light I will go with them for sure
Sure, 60 days are not long in the business world, wonder if it's also not long in the prison world!

A trustworthy company.......enticing people to post fake reviews on Amazon and Ebay by dangling free lights in emails, I know, I got one.........knowing about the potential trouble for customers by shipping marked boxes for 6 months(at least since February) and as of 2 weeks ago still does it........and stating here and elsewhere that this does not happen anymore..........misleading AFN staff by saying it only concern their tent when this is plainly not true.........

Well, we all make our own decisions regarding who to trust........and live with the consequences.......
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Margahooja..just clarify for me that this logo is your Problem..


It is the one I don't Think needs to be on the box....but ....the other two..



as far as I am Aware are Legal/postal/import stickers.
If those stats weren't On the package it wouldn't be allowed to be imported or can we Clarify which labels we are talking I am clear.

The Mars hydro logo..?
This is the on I Think should be removed from the packaging..
I can say that the 2 lights I have received from TOPLED, which is another trade name for LG-LED just like Mars Hydro is, did not have any markings at all on the boxes, and it is certainly not a postal requirement to have stickers/labels on boxes identifying the content within the EU.
Rhyce Saroni...I have checked back a few pages and I cannot find your problem.
Could you let me know what you bought..when..and what is the problem with it and I will try to find an answer for you...:toke: