Indoor Mars Hydro FC-3000 makes a Mango Smile happy

  • Soaked 22 hours in spring water and a couple drops General Hydroponics BioRoot. Then put the seed in a paper towel and onto a heat mat set to 79 *F for 24 hours.


    Mango germ was transferred a little bit ago to a Rapid Rooter cube soaked in spring water plus dilute BioRoot (few drops in 100 mL of water). I give darkness until i’m ready to start the lights on time tomorrow. She’ll then go under a “daylight” household LED light bulb (100 W equivalent) for the first few days.

    Your wife has good taste in autos!
    It’s either good taste in autos or this one had a pleasant name 🤷‍♂️ 😂 but she has an impeccable knack for getting germed seeds perfectly into the rooter cubes so I keep her around 😜
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    Day 4 - Happy New Home
  • Transplanted Mango Smile to her 5 gallon fabric forever home, few hours shy of 4 full days from sprout. Filled with Fox Farms Cultivation Nation (70/30 coco/perlite) mixed with Dynomyco throughout. Prepped the medium at germination and fed the microbes a couple liters of sugar water (Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy), sat a few days. Wet the medium about 2 hours before transplant with a mix of Bloom City Silica Boost and Humic Acid, added a sprinkle of Dynomyco to the planting hole before putting the rooter cube in and tucking this Mango Smile in for the journey.


    She’s all taproot LOL


    Plenty of room to stretch out now 😍


    Keeping her warm under the daylight bulb still


    And under the Dr’s dome for a few more days to keep her local RH high for rooting


    Got the confirmation that the FC-3000 from the @Marshydro giveaway is already set to arrive THIS WEEK 🙌 🔥🔥🔥 🙏

    So i’ll keep her under the clamp lamp until then, maybe add in a 6500K T5HO, and this’ll be a proper run of the Mars Hydro FC-3000 sprout to harvest to see what it can do! 🥭 😃

    Thanks for stopping by growmies ✌️💚🪴
    Day 7
  • Day 7
    Mephisto Genetics - Mango Smile [Mango Haze x Toof Decay]
    5 gal fabric pot in a 2x2x4 ft grow tent
    Fox Farms Cultivation Nation medium

    She’s just getting on, the dome is off and RH is staying around 70% in the tent. Starting my feed regimen at Day 7, last run using twice weekly MaxiGrow (or MaxiBloom) feeds and no water only days in between there was really high salt buildup by the end. So this time i’m going to go slow and steady with the nutes. For the first couple weeks it’ll be:

    1 liter - Bloom City Silica Boost
    1 liter - Gen Hydro MaxiGrow
    2 liters - supplement mix of CALiMAGic and BioRoot (and every now and then some light Bud Candy during early veg)
    1 liter - Spring water
    Spray with Bud Buster Pro foliar every 7 days at lights out, starting Day 7 (actually applied first spray Day 8)


    Something wicked this way comes from @Marshydro 🙌 arrived a little shy of two days ago and life got busy this week, can’t wait to get this beast (Mars Hydro FC-3000 Smart LED) overhead!


    Update will come to show it in the tent. Thanks for stopping by growmies ✌️💚🪴
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    Day 14
  • Slow veggin’ for this baby Mango Smile, she got her second application of Bud Buster Pro foliar at lights out so there should be some explosive growth this week! @stan_mephisto - when do Mango Smiles usually show sex? Trying to figure if I should top after the 4th node on day 17 or let her go and supercrop to control her height with Meph’s description she consistently outgrew your 7 foot ceilings 😳

    Temps are 80-81 F (lights on) and 74ish F (lights off)
    RH around 70%

    Got the @Marshydro FC-3000 up to 25% (75 W) at 20” above. I will get it to 33% (100 W) or so and then keep it 18 inches overhead during veg. The driver mounts allowed me to hang the RapidLED far red and deep red pucks overhead finally! They are on a timer to go on before and after lights on and lights out.

    Feed this week:
    1.5 L Bloom City Silica Boost + Humic Acid
    pH 6.3 on day 14
    1.5 L Gen Hydro MaxiGrow (1 gram/liter) plus half-strength CALiMAGic pH 5.8-6.2 on day 15
    2 L Gen Hydro CALiMAGic + BioRoot pH 5.8-6.2 on day 18.




    Thanks for stopping by growmies!
    Day 21 - It’s a Girl!
  • Day 21
    Pruned off the first node leaves and shoots on Day 18, started LST on the main Day 20. Every few days i’ll be taking off a new shoot or two that’s developing slower than the others.

    On Day 21 today she showed sex and got a high dose of Bud Buster Pro foliar spray at lights out. Each week is going like clockwork with the feeds, giving a day or two between each one:

    1st feed - 1-2 liters Silica Boost with either Humic Acid or AN Bud Candy alternating weeks. TDS is around 100 ppm so this is my weekly “flush”.
    2nd feed - 1.5 liters (now upped to) 1.5 g/L MaxiGrow with half-strength CALiMAGic this week
    3rd feed - 2 L CALiMAGic + Bioroot

    Mars Hydro FC-3000 at 25% in the pic, which is the average I keep it at. I give a few hours at mid light cycle at 33% intensity. She’s just starting to hit her stride and should start filling out nicely 🤞


    She’s got her first armpit hairs, ooh la la!


    She’s apparently sensitive to N…every day after her MaxiGrow feed a couple of the leaf serrations show signs of burn and claw down at the tips, but she grows out of it after a day or two. Other than that she’s been a smooth sailor 👍 ✌️💚🪴
    Day 28
  • Day 28
    Should have her general shape filled out by Day 35, slowing down on the training to get vertical growth going.

    Gave another application of Bud Buster Pro foliar spray and weekly feeds will be (about 24 hours between feeds):

    1st feed - 1.6 liters Silica Boost with Humic Acid, the last Humic feed of this run.
    2nd feed - 1.5 liters of a 75/25 mixture (1.75 g/L combined) MaxiGrow and MaxiBloom with half-strength CALiMAGic and full strength AN Bud Candy
    Subsequent feeds - 2 liters of full strength CALiMAGic + Bioroot + AN Bud Candy

    Got the @Marshydro FC-3000 averaging 33%, been cranking it up to 40-50% for 1-2 hours mid-cycle.

    Pics before some training, the main is under the word Mango in the pic label…back middle of the pot.




    And after pulling some branches down and bending the main to the side…the main is now back right under the 🥭 in image.




    Been doing pruning of first nodes off the side branches and found this little trio of happy branches 😍


    Going to be another exciting week of growth, thanks for stopping by growmies! ✌️💚🪴🥭
    Day 35
  • Day 35
    Final application of Bud Buster Pro foliar spray.
    She’s getting thirstier each week taking over half gallon daily, feeds will be:

    1st feed - 1.6 liters Silica Boost with AN Bud Candy
    2nd feed - 1.6 liters of a 50/50 mixture (1.75 g/L combined) MaxiGrow and MaxiBloom with half-strength CALiMAGic and full strength AN Bud Candy
    Subsequent feeds - Full strength mix of CALiMAGic + Bioroot + AN Bud Candy (getting AN Big Bud and will give a dose midweek, starting daily next week as the bottle tells me)

    Got the @Marshydro FC-3000 at 18” above the canopy averaging 40% (120W), been cranking it up to 50% for a few hours mid-cycle. Up to 1 hour total UV exposure each light cycle, working up to 2 hours total daily with an 24W AgroMax PureUV T5HO.

    Finally cleaned things up last week and got the Inkbird sensor in the center of the canopy, couldn’t do that with the LED boards 👍 leaf tucking and LST, letting her go vertically now and will pull branches down to keep things even.




    Up up and away we go 🚀
    @St. Tom tag! This is my current journal growmie 🙏

    ✌️💚 🥭😊
    Day 42 and Day 49
  • Missed an update last week so we’ll do a two-fer. Had to supercrop four branches starting with the main on Day 40. Oscillating fan stopped working and my Inkbird humidity controller started failing to shut off the humidifier at the set point 😩

    Mango Smile (@stan_mephisto) is drinking about a gallon+ daily. Start of the week is 2 Liters Silica Boost, then Gen Hydro MaxiBloom plus CALiMAGic and BioRoot to runoff. Every feed after is a mix of GH CALiMAGic and AN Big Bud and Bud Candy, alternating in BioRoot every other day.

    The @Marshydro FC-3000 is averaging 42% intensity (125 W) with peak intensity around 55-60% at midday. I’m going to need to get the Mars Hydro 24x24x55 inch tent for some more headspace!

    Day 41 - after supercropping the main this bugger in the back left was begging to be snapped. Now you see it


    Now you don’t 🪄


    And on Day 42 during “midday” with the FC-3000 cranked up a bit


    That branch that got snapped already bouncing back towards the light


    And the main all twisted around and snapped back onto herself


    Did some defol and pruning lowers during the week. Started getting some yellowing, going to push through though on upper leaves…might be pH related or too much light!!!

    Day 49 and the stretch is slowing 🙏 going to do some defol and pruning and remaining duds this week, then leave it alone until late late flower and do one final small defol





    Day 56
  • Not much to update except starting to stack, have about 5 weeks to go. I can’t seem to keep my Meph plants happy start to finish, but I don’t grow for the leaves so she’s keepin’ on keepin’ on :thumbsup: I’m thinking this light is a little too intense for this small tent causing a PK issue 🤷‍♂️ We haven’t done any pruning or leaf removal so she’s not much of a looker right now LOL…buttttttt this Mango Smile is pumping out frosties early, and great trichome development when looking back at previous week pics 💪

    Mars Hydro FC-3000 kept around 120W, peaking around 150-160W for a couple hours at “midday” when the AgroMax PureUV T5HO goes on.





    Thanks for stopping by growmies ✌️💚🪴