New Grower Male plants won't get you high...or will they?


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
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Anyone who follows any of my posts, know I question everything, I need to see for myself about some things. I saved the last to male plants I chopped. I cut all the sacks off them then threw them in a box and let them dry completely. My thinking, they may have some value for oil. Well I ground them up today for storage. I decided, why not vape some? So, I packed mu Iolite and fired it up! And got a nice surprise! Tasted nice got me stoned! not just a little buzz either. I figured there had to be a little something in them but Woooo! Tell ya what, I'M not throwing out anymore males! Now, maybe smoking then is differe3nt, maybe something in smoke ruins it, I don't know. But since I first started smoking weed, I was told," don't smoke the males, all you'll get is a headache". Males? I didn't even know what the hell they were talking about! LOL! and after all this time I've never even tried. Well, what a waste!
I thought male flowers were 2nd behing females for thc? Was something like female buds, male buds, tops, leaves, then stems. None being in seeds. Think I read that somewhere
If I am selecting a male for pollen, I dry some male leaf and smoke it. I allow for it being immature and male(no abundant built up resin) but I can get an idea of the pheno and effect.
Regardless of strain, the effect will vary between males to select from. I select the best effect from the males in the current season and then assess the bushyness of growth for my male pollen.

So yes, males can be a good smoke.
Cool pop, maybe ppl should start saving male leaves for vaping or medicinal tincture / oil extractions :)

Good advice dingo, I've heard that from a few breeders also.

Natertots, idk about smokin the male flowers, sounds like a really bad idea haha. The male "flower" is mostly just the pollen pods (bananas). Smoking that pollen sounds like a bad idea hahaaa! I would imagine that could theoretically put someone in the Emergency Room if they had bad pollen allergies yikes! But they should contain THC, maybe a tiny bit, to ward off bugs and animals from eating them. :)
Tried to find a place where I could link the book and you could read it for free and couldnt . Googled rosenthal and frank (couldnt member name of book lol) and found this quote though. I dunno if I would smoke pollen either lol.

The concentration of cannabinoids depends on the plant part, or more specifically, the concentration and development of resin glands to plant part. The female flower bracts have the highest concentration of resin glands and are usually the most potent plant parts. Seeds and roots have no resin glands. These shoe no more than traces of canninbinoids. Smoke seeds will give you a headache before you can get high. If you got high on seeds, then there were probably enough bracts adhering to the seeds to get you high. {Figure 29 The highest concentration of stalked resin glands forms a cover on the female flower bracts Resin glands beneath cystolith hairs on a leaf petiole}Here are the potencies, in descending order, of the various plant parts:1. Female flowering clusters. In practice you don't separate hundreds of tiny bracts to make a joint. The whole flowering mass (seeds removed), along with small accompanying leaves, forms the material.2. Male flower clusters. These vary more in relative potency depending on the strain (see "Potency by Sex," below).3. Growing shoots. Before the plants flower, the vegetative shoots (tips) of the main stem and branches are the most potent plant parts.4. Leaves (a) that accompany flowers (small);