Anyone who follows any of my posts, know I question everything, I need to see for myself about some things. I saved the last to male plants I chopped. I cut all the sacks off them then threw them in a box and let them dry completely. My thinking, they may have some value for oil. Well I ground them up today for storage. I decided, why not vape some? So, I packed mu Iolite and fired it up! And got a nice surprise! Tasted nice got me stoned! not just a little buzz either. I figured there had to be a little something in them but Woooo! Tell ya what, I'M not throwing out anymore males! Now, maybe smoking then is differe3nt, maybe something in smoke ruins it, I don't know. But since I first started smoking weed, I was told," don't smoke the males, all you'll get is a headache". Males? I didn't even know what the hell they were talking about! LOL! and after all this time I've never even tried. Well, what a waste!