DIY Making your own wine dirt cheap to add CO2 to your garden!

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Deleted Grower A

Hey guys!

It is legal to make your own wine in the United States from what I have read 200 gallons for two adults per year or 100 per one adult check your state laws on this website just to be safe.

Even if your not into drinking fermenting wine in the grow room can be very beneficial, here are some things that you can gain by fermenting your own wine

Introduce CO2 naturally (Fermenting fruit naturally releases CO2 into the air, for a small grow room it is very possible to add a nice amount of CO2 just from a few gallons going in the grow room, you may have heard of growing mushrooms to add CO2 this is another way.

Wine is good for cooking

You can gift a certain amount per yr to family for holidays and such.

It masks the grow smell a bit.

Obviously great to drink lol.

It is dirt cheap and easy to make.

Make sure you are in a ventilated area if you make a lot and I would advise getting a carbon monoxide meter not really a problem unless doing a lot of it but make at your own risk.

There are a lot of videos on YouTube to learn how to make it very easily, if the mods say I can post how to make it with my method which is a couple methods together I will post but I don't want to put the info on here if not allowed. @archie gemmill @Son of Hobbes


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There is a major problem.
According to my co2 meter, those Exhale co2 bags don't increase co2 levels measurably in a vented tent.
co2 supplementation needs a sealed tent, which has its own problems.
My opinion is that co2 supplementation does more harm than good for the vast majority of growers.
There is a major problem.
According to my co2 meter, those Exhale co2 bags don't increase co2 levels measurably in a vented tent.
co2 supplementation needs a sealed tent, which has its own problems.
My opinion is that co2 supplementation does more harm than good for the vast majority of growers.

Yeah I've heard that but it's still releasing into the air. It does harm when you have unhealthy plants only.
One thing to note is you will need a fan to blow the CO2 up or possibly put the jugs higher up as CO2 drops, as for CO2 needing a closed tent there are a lot of people using all sorts of things like Mushroom Kits CO2 bags and so on with results even with vented tents, it's sort of a flush vs no flush debate not trying to get the thread turned into that.
From grow weed easy: "May Need to Seal the Grow Area – Although adding just a little CO2 doesn't require a sealed room, when trying to maintain very high levels of CO2 (like 1200-1500 PPM) you probably need to seal up grow area so it’s airtight in order to prevent CO2 from leaking out."

Not trying to add big amounts just supplement.
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How long does it take to make?

There are two different methods if you go natural and let the natural yeast contained on the fruit ferment it then it will take 4 - 5 months but if you use yeast it takes only 3 or 4 weeks and have heard is a bit more finer tasting but can be aged longer.
nothing in the rule book that i can see :cheers: so batter on :thumbsup:
theres 101 ways of growing a plant that i know of and likely 101 more ways that i dont know of.i only know one way and thats my way.48 hr darkness/flushing/bongs/joints :shrug:personal preference and opinions.
my :2cents:
the extraction makes a hell of a whosh= cupboard/tent air exchanged 4 times a minute or something like that.i dont think bags and stuff make a sound :shrug: can many ppm's be coming out ?
sure the pros use Co2 they got fancy sealed grow roooms full control over every ppm/ph/rh the lot.they got big Co2 tanks that can maintain 600ppm (just a number pulled from thin air) hehe and its a pun :rofl: where was i :paleo:
an air duster in a can is just co2...a black fire extinguisher is co2...nono or jump in the tent with the plants.
any extra Co2 in the grow room is a good thing,a few bubbles from the airlock of brewing wine,mushrooms,or a squirt from an air duster on a timer :thumbsup: plus ya get a drink to at harvest :cheers::pass:
good luck n keep er lit
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