New Grower Making your own feminised auto seeds.

Umm lets see here I want to make a batch of autofem seeds but I shouldn't use reversed autofem as a father?
I am having a hard time finding basic auto fem breeding formulas that I understand.
I was thinking of doing a reversed autofem-A x autofem-B = ? I dont want to end up w a sack of weak hermies
Also I do know from my own experience that the seed baring mother can be quite potent and used to roll joints, make the kief, oil or butter.
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As I understand it, Russ, It isn't about the plants being "autofems". The goal is to make feminized seeds. If both plants are autos, then the seeds will be autos. Just focus on the "fem" part. That is what the reversal process is for. You are making seeds with two females. That is the only goal. If you do it with photoperiod strains, then the seeds will be photos. If you do it with autoflower strains, then they will be Autos. The reversal is just about creating seeds that will always be females. Whether it is auto or not just depends on what plants you are reversing.
A little more clear here:

If you buy some AK47 auto seeds, and they are "regular" seeds, then when you grow them they could be either male or female autos. But... If you select two females out of those seeds, throw away the males, and then reverse one of the females and breed the two females together, then the resulting seeds will be autofems. Auto, because the parent plants were autoflowers, and feminized, because you reversed a female and bred it to another female.
Thanks im clear on that. What I am concerned about is what joe383 was saying. I dont know how to get the quote thing to work. But it has to do with breeding two fems not a reg to a fem. I know for sure that I would get fem seeds BUT am I pulling resesive genes to the surface ie. Hermies? By reversing a fem? hope that got typed legibly lol
The first gen would be fine, after that, problems could arise. Either make enough that you'll never need more, or pollinate the same strain from a diffrent breeder, or cross it with a different strain. Either of these techniques should get you three usable generations. And so what if you get a hermie or two? pull it and trash it.

Thanks im clear on that. What I am concerned about is what joe383 was saying. I dont know how to get the quote thing to work. But it has to do with breeding two fems not a reg to a fem. I know for sure that I would get fem seeds BUT am I pulling resesive genes to the surface ie. Hermies? By reversing a fem? hope that got typed legibly lol
That's what I needed to hear. Thank you so much. As far as hermies go... is there a place here on AFN that list other people s experience stress testing genetics? So far I've just been reading grows here and there with an eye for bad luck grows stressing plants for me. Once again thank you so much for taking the time to pass down the knowledge.
In my past experience I have grown from regular seeds then made a choice of females from said regular seeds. Took those females and made fem seeds. I ran low on these seeds then made more fems from the first batch of fem seeds made I had no herms at this point all was well and good ran low again on these seeds and made yet more fem seeds then the hermies started to show up in 2 out of every 10 turned out to herm not to bad but it left me wondering well what about one more run then make some seeds again from one that did not herm on me well the result sucked ass all herms from there on out. I made fem seed from feminized seeds 4 times herms showed up the third time and down hill after that. So you can make fem seeds from feminized seeds but If you don't know how many times they have been feminized then it's a crap shoot on if herms will show up along the way.