At what age do you establish which male and female you choose? Do you choose female before flower or right at flower?
@Shaawing Goldwalker and Goldwidow both have the same fully auto goldstone as dad
That all depends on what you are trying to achive with the pollination ..
The Stone dragons are REALLY good med plants, but not the biggest growing and are very uniform at f5
the f1's will give a lot more variation .. for instance the Goldwalker f1 have pheno's all the way from green to dark purple ... hint hint.. the greens are my fav and was choosen to breed f2 with
Im working on goldwalker f3 atm
Gravid Goldwalker f2's :
View attachment 1084719 View attachment 1084720
Best of luck and feel free to ask
Stone Dragon was my male of choice when making most of my Mephisto crosses. Those crosses will now be BX into their Mephisto parents to eventually have true running Mephisto regs so I can have Blue Tooth and Purple nuggets forever.
I've found pollinating a single bud to be more than adequate for my needs. Generally I pull the males out of the cabinet once they sex and sick them under a cheap blurple light until it's sexy time. I'm only interested in their DNA, not their size or health.
I use a little makeup brush to pollinate the lower bud carefully. Then about 2 hours later I mist the bud site with water to kill remaining pollen. I'll repeat this a few days later on the same bud to ensure dense pollination of the whole bud.
One lower bud generally gives between 25-100 seeds. Dry them well for a week then seal them up in a moisture proof container and refrigerate for at least a month or two.
Good luck!
Thanks for the reply! I missed out on blue toof and purple nugs unfortunately.. yea I've heared if pollinated properly that a plant can yield 1000s of seeds. Do you pollinate a lower bud because it's not a prime bud close to the light or for the same reason clones are usually taken from the bottom for hormones?
At what age do you establish which male and female you choose? Do you choose female before flower or right at flower?