Dutch Passion Mainemedical Tries to Think Different

Yeah sorry for the bad pics. I'll post better ones next time if I can :thumbs:
Day 27
Here are some pics of my TDs :D today I fed them 3/4 base nutes and B-52. My 3rd TD sprouted about 2 days ago she will be on a plain water diet til around day 7 :dance:
The girls finally hit their stretch I think :D they shot up about 2inches since yesterday still no preflowers yet though. Maybe these girls will be late but heavy bloomers :smoke:
Day 33
Haven't been able to post pictures for awhile but the girls are looking really good :D the 2 oldest ones are 17 and 19 inches tall and have started preflowering. Last feed I bumped it up to 3.5 ml per liter of base nutes and still no nute burn :smoke: im tempted to up it a little more but i dont know if they can handle full strength :shrug: the youngest one is 7 days old and will be put into its 3 gal pot probably on the next feeding.
Looking good mate. In them pics though they do look a little over watered mate? Iv got a TD on the go at the moment and she has been slow, she's a big girl :D
If anything they're underwatered. I feed them every 3 days and they are super dry by then. I'll probably start feeding every 2 days from now on
Day 34
Here are some pictures of my girls :D the youngest is 8 days old and got its first feeding of nutes yesterday 1/8 strength base and 1/2 strength voodoo juice. This is the earliest I've ever tried to feed but so far so good :thumbs: