Dutch Passion Mainemedical Tries to Think Different

I use it for reflective light and my timer blew a few days ago so I have to unplug my lights. I went in unplugged them and then accidentally bumped into my mirror and it landed on my plant. The mirror has been moved and probably will be removed haha thanks for the rep bro :D
I was able to tie her back up with some bamboo and wire so hopefully she's gonna make a full recovery. I'll be watching her closely for the next few days
Is the mirror ok bro? You don't want anymore bad luck...no but seriously I hope she makes it bro. I'm sure she will, they don't call it weed for nothing... :D
It's been a roller coaster the last couple of days. Yesterday I ordered 3 new led panels so I've been super excited until today when I dropped a mirror on one of my bigger TDs and snapped about half her branches :face: I'm thinking I might have to end up taking the half of the plant I broke even though its not done. I've tried tying up the branches but they're snapped in too many places. My girlfriend is out right now and hopefully she can find something that will help or I'll be chopping unfinished weed :/ it's pretty shitty putting almost 3 months of work into to something then have this happen

Duct tape works wonders too, just center the snapped branch in the tape and put a piece around it. I've done it early on with aggressive super cropping and had some of my best buds on the badly broken branches. Give it a try before you chop.
:hug::cough:I had heard somewhere that mirrors don't reflect light that well, can you get some of that reflective lining, much lighter and less dangerous for your ladies!!!
I've done some googling!

Haha yeah kip the mirror is okay so hopefully no more bad luck :D

I've done some mirror research? WTF Mikey!

Aluminum coatings are used for the visible and ultraviolet spectral region, reaching reflectivities well above 90% in the visible but often below 90% in the UV.

Silver coatings are suitable for wavelengths from about 500 nm to 20 μm.

Gold mirrors are similar, but can be used only for about 600 nm and longer wavelengths. Here, reflectivities well over 95% (sometimes around 99%) are achieved. It is possible, for example, to obtain an average reflectivity of 97% between 700 and 2000 nm with a protected gold mirror. Sometimes, an unprotected gold mirror is preferred in order to avoid any dispersion from a protective coating; this is possible as gold does not tend to get oxidized.

Gold-coated copper mirrors (sometimes fabricated with electrochemical techniques) can be used with high-power infrared lasers, such as CO2 lasers. Here, substantial amounts of heat can be tolerated due to the high thermal conductivities of gold and copper..........................................and on and on! Got what I wanted from a little google!

slap again!:slap:

You maybe onto something here? more reading/digestion needed!

Peace and Love you all!:peace:
Day 79 these girls are finally starting to show some yellow so only a few more weeks til chop :D I'm aiming for 100 days but we'll see how much they swell



Thanks for the love everyone :group: the girl that got some branches snapped is doing pretty well now and will be chopped in in week or so along with my other TD that's the same age :D
Awesome job bud, I bet you will be grow more of these huh!