Indoor Main Stem Grow 2Much.

im sure it is cause of the different phenos. i just had a weird 1 grow like those to. Just a few calyx here and there nothing dense. yours are fat considering how mine had looked. I have a picture of it up on here. its weird. also remember how intense ur lighting is. the less lumens and farther the light is away; equals MORE Stretch....

Yep, looks like the same thing. What strain is that? AKR also?
Sounds like you've done everything right, so it must be just a difference in the phenos. When I've had one I generally get about the same yield from them as the smaller ones. The buds are always looser and longer, that's the sativa influence. Some of those bush phenotypes can be big producers. Jackal had an Onyx bush that produced 9 oz.

Yeah, I've had good success so far with some of my taller plants. Whatever is happening here is different though. One big difference between my healthy taller plants and these is that there is less distance between the top and the rest of the stems/colas in the healthy ones. I just grew a Blue Mammoth that was as tall as this but I was never concerned because it was normal, healthy growth. With the 3 AKR's it's like they get a runaway main stem that seems to suck the growth away from the rest of the plant. I won't even try harvesting the buds on this one. I'll chop it & use it to make hash instead.

When you say "Sativa influence", do you mean there are some Sativa genetics in this plant? It's an AKR which is supposed to be 100% Indica auto.
Sure looks like it, especially given the way the buds look. But there are also a lot of variations in ruderalis and it likely comes from there. Maybe sativa like would be a better term.

When you say "Sativa influence", do you mean there are some Sativa genetics in this plant? It's an AKR which is supposed to be 100% Indica auto.
I never actually what the parentage is of that plant. It always seemed that with all those phenos it might be hard to figure out. I felt some showed sativa influence as well.

Sure looks like it, especially given the way the buds look. But there are also a lot of variations in ruderalis and it could come from there. Maybe sativa like would be a better term.
I saw some pictures recently, maybe in that R.C. Clark hashish book, of some "ditchweed", or as we call it now, ruderalis. There were quite a few different phenotypes, including that tall, whispy one that almost looks sativa. There was even a picture of that little runt pheno that only gets 3 fingered leaves. That one is pretty rare in autos. There's still a lot of debate on whether everything evolved from cannabis c., whether cannabis c and cannabis i were separate, or if they might have evolved from ruderalis. Either way, autos get their pheno variations from the ruderalis.

I never actually what the parentage is of that plant. It always seemed that with all those phenos it might be hard to figure out. I felt some showed sativa influence as well.
cutting back on nitrogen in hydro setups can help limit stretch, perhaps you can also adjust your feeding regimen in soil to reduce the amount of nitrogen available to the plants if they show signs of stretching like this?