Indoor Magnum - Top Fed DWC

Thanks so much for the tip!! I am very new to hydro and someone told me how to do this. I saw the sprinkler system when I went to a hydro shop. I have noticed the rooter is very damp! And it had some green algae on it. I could definitely see that causing bigger problems!

Damn, I love this place.

You guys rock! :headbang:
Here's one I took a few minutes ago.


10-13-18: Update.

A few notes: there are a lot of "firsts" for me on this grow. I completely re-worked my room. The entire environment is "new" everything. First hydro grow. First time using LED. Actually, since we remodeled, even the water is new! (Sort of. Same source, but before we had a cistern we filled with municipal water which allowed it time to "de-chlorinate", etc. Now we are hooked directly to the municipal line.) And this is my first time with this strain. Since there were so many new variables I decided to K.I.S.S. and do a single plant and no training - not even LST. This is the most squat plant with some tight internodal spacing! When I grow this one again I will definitely do some training!

Back to the grow:

I had noticed some "rust" discoloration on a few leaves. I checked another site which pointed toward pH fluctuations. My pH had been in target range with no sudden changes. The discoloration got worse and the effected leaves started getting dry/crisp.


So I posted elsewhere on AFN and someone (apologies for not remembering who off the top of my head!) suggested if it were a soil grow they would lean toward calcium deficiency. Made sense. So I did a light foliar spray with just pH'd H2O, 1/4 strength nutes, and Calmag on 10-10-18. Sprayed tops and undersides of leaves to get a quicker delivery of nutes to her. On 10-11-18 I added a small amount of Calmag to the reservoir, waited a bit, then checked the pH. In hindsight, to be safer, I probably should have just done a complete reservoir change adding the Calmag. But I didn't.

Today she's shown some more growth and the new stuff looks healthy. I'll lose about three big fans, but how much that will change the overall I'll just have to wait and see.

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Yeah, it's that one section. The new growth looks OK, but those couple of big fans are toast. But it started in the middle of the leaves, not the tips or edges. I'm thinking (hoping) it was a calcium issue.