Indoor Magnum - Top Fed DWC

Sep 17, 2018
Reaction score
Not a newbie, but this is my very first hydroponic grow and my first grow journal. Bear with me and please be kind! Lol


4'x3'x8' space, 6" exhaust fan with scrubber.

Magnum (seed from MSNL)

Top fed DWC 5 gallon bucket, 6" net pot, Hydrotron, and Rapid Rooter plugs.

New Earth Organics & Hydroponics "Grow" and "Bloom" nutrients, Hydroguard, and Bud Candy.

California Lightworks SolarSystem 550 with controller.

9-17-18: Had germinated two seeds, both sprouted but one failed to develope beyond a taproot. (Fairly certain it was something I did, but no idea what.) Since it is my first hydro grow I decided to keep it simple and just do the one plant. (No pics of seedling with cotyledons but, eh, you've seen one you've seen them all.) Nutrients at half strength. Hydroguard. pH @ 6.4, 1ml of New Earth "pH Down" brought it down to 5.9. Everything up and running.

9-20-18: So far, so good. Light set on customized "Seedling" program until I get familiar with it. (Also my first LED grow.)

1/2 strength nutes? Do you normally feed your autos that amount so early? And they are not problematic? You should get a nice grow under that light. Good luck.
1/2 strength nutes? Do you normally feed your autos that amount so early? And they are not problematic? You should get a nice grow under that light. Good luck.

I should have been more clear, but I'm working a hell-stretch @ work and not thinking so clearly! The manufacturer lists "2 to 4 tsp per gallon" with 2 being "half strength. I'm doing half of that. So 1/4 strength.

But as far as what I "normally" do - there is no such thing. This is my first hydro grow.
cheers for starting a journal :thumbsup: i think you were asking about sections and where to put things ?
if so kinda quick/rough guide...somewhere here is crossovers,and grey areas.moving a thread is no big deal.
you are a new/first time grower to the site,and because of that i think the best place for your journal is in the new growers peoples threads can get lost in other sections just because other folk dont recognize the name.could go in this section to ahh haa you allready are.sadly no much traffic,it is a quieter sections at the minute,though we have plenty of dwc growers on site.
in new growers you will get more look ins and traffic in general.then start next grow journal in dwc.let me know or shout out in live stonner gossip,somebody will be knocking about that can move it for you.
good luck n keep er lit.
Hi mate, looking good so far!


How are you top feeding? I don't see any squirty bits.

@fettled6 me if you need some helps!

cheers for starting a journal :thumbsup: i think you were asking about sections and where to put things ?
if so kinda quick/rough guide...somewhere here is crossovers,and grey areas.moving a thread is no big deal.
you are a new/first time grower to the site,and because of that i think the best place for your journal is in the new growers peoples threads can get lost in other sections just because other folk dont recognize the name.could go in this section to ahh haa you allready are.sadly no much traffic,it is a quieter sections at the minute,though we have plenty of dwc growers on site.
in new growers you will get more look ins and traffic in general.then start next grow journal in dwc.let me know or shout out in live stonner gossip,somebody will be knocking about that can move it for you.
good luck n keep er lit.
Thank you, sir!

Not quite a new grower, but far from a vet as well. But I am very new to hydroponics. This is my first ever hydro grow.
I have a submersible pump with a tube that runs through the side of the net pot under the Hydrotron and just butts up to the rooter plug.
Be careful with that!

An overly wet plug can cause issues.

I feed with a Halo over the clay balls and never directly to the plug or cube.
