Live Stoners Magnetised Water.

Science says,

"A substance is magnetized when its constituent molecules or structural elements can be permanently aligned in a definite direction by the influence of an external magnetic field.
This can only happen in solids, and is known as ferromagnetism. Molecules that possess an odd number of electrons can be temporarily aligned by an applied magnetic field; such molecules are said to be paramagnetic. Water, H[SUB]2[/SUB]O, contains 10 electrons, so it is not attracted to or oriented by a magnet. In fact water, like most molecules, is diamagnetic; it is actually repelled by a magnet, although so weakly that sensitive instruments are needed to observe this effect.​
And contrary to what you may read on these hawker sites, the properties of water (surface tension, density, internal structure, chemical or biological behavior) are not measurably altered by treatment with a magnet."

Nuff said!​
A London university article on the magnetic properties of water. Seems it can be 'purified' by the application of a magnetic field.

Theorise -> Experiment -> Observe


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A London university article on the magnetic properties of water. Seems it can be 'purified' by the application of a magnetic field.

Theorise -> Experiment -> Observe


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Yes and no, if you read the article you would require 1 Tesla to recreate the small changes observed in the lab.

This would mean you needed something like a 1000 turn solenoid and pump 796 amps through it or if your wiring isn't up for that you could use the magnets from a particle accelerator.

On the off chance you went for it you would need to design a grow unit with only non magnetic metals present, highly insulated lights and pumps and also bear in mind that any loose metal items such as loose floorboard nails, coins, etc. would become deadly high speed projectiles.

Then you need to find a plant that will grow at all if the reservoir is at the optimal temp required to recreate the lab result of 1c.

Seems like way too much hassle :)
also bear in mind that any loose metal items such as loose floorboard nails, coins, etc. would become deadly high speed projectiles.

That kinda sounds like it could be fun.
If your are interested in Water and its most funky abilities and true spirit you may like to check your local search engine for VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER and you may find some inspiration. @TaNg @Bilbo @steelrat @pop22 etc.

And if you find some really interesting, may working feel free to share with me and others.
The always curious CO.