Magnesium Facts

it will take me a year to read and comprehend all this, i read the first post , but that's it , can you tell me where the info is on the bath ..
Check out jm's link above bro... The Magnesium oil is Mag Chloride flakes dissolved in water..the flakes can be added to a bath also...:smokebuds:
Notably, the natural pH of the skin mantle is a mildly acidic 4.5 to 6, creating an ideal environment for total ionization of magnesium chloride. Thus optimal uptake into underlying tissues is possible with topical magnesium chloride us, as found in transdermal magnesium therapy.
Thanks You.....:stylez rasta smoke:and is this something i can get over the counter (topical magnesium chloride) ?

EDIT: i read it Bob thanks....
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Thanks You.....:stylez rasta smoke:and is this something i can get over the counter (topical magnesium chloride) ?

the healthfood store i went to sells sprays but didnt sell the bath flakes

she said she is going to look into it

peace :Cool:
A kilo of flakes is a lot cheaper than a 100 ml bottle of oil spray and will make many litres of oil...:stylez rasta smoke: