Magnesium deficiency

Yeah had a previous thread on the infirmary page, soil is around 6.5ish, grown in biobizz all mix , nutrients biobizz range as per schedule but half strength.
I flushed her out about 4 weeks ago as thought the original issue was a lockout, she was flushed so run off was around the 6.5 mark.
if the ph is on point (not sure with biobiz, but 6.5 may be a tad high?) , the ppm appears too have been too low and has been throughout the preflower and early flower period. Judging by the size, they wanted to get going but didnt have the fuel... Have you been monitoring ppm? Did you check the runoff ppm when you flushed? Looks like you needed to feed more when you flushed and it made the issue worse..
I think @Mañ'O'Green is a synthetic nutes guy and would know more about the topic than myself. Maybe he will chime in.
if the ph is on point (not sure with biobiz, but 6.5 may be a tad high?) , the ppm appears too have been too low and has been throughout the preflower and early flower period. Judging by the size, they wanted to get going but didnt have the fuel... Have you been monitoring ppm? Did you check the runoff ppm when you flushed? Looks like you needed to feed more when you flushed and it made the issue worse..
I think @Mañ'O'Green is a synthetic nutes guy and would know more about the topic than myself. Maybe he will chime in.
First check of run off at the start of the flush was like 7-7.2, flushed down so run off was 6.5, he actually helped me through it and recommended the dosage etc for feeding after the flush. Buds are still flowering, maybe a whil yet before they fatten up but there looks to be a good bit of bud potentially, it’s the stem colour that’s really worrying me.
First check of run off at the start of the flush was like 7-7.2, flushed down so run off was 6.5, he actually helped me through it and recommended the dosage etc for feeding after the flush. Buds are still flowering, maybe a whil yet before they fatten up but there looks to be a good bit of bud potentially, it’s the stem colour that’s really worrying me.
If the runoff was at a 7.2 and went down to the 6s after you fed half strength, to my understanding that would indicate that there may have been a lack of nutrients in the medium prior to flush because generally, when you add nutrients the ph goes down. More nutes lower ph, less nutes, higher ph. But its been a long while since Ive used synthetics, so you may want to hold off until you get another opinion.
Have a good one!
It is better to use the ppm in then the feed chart. Before you flush a slurry test help determine if the pants are using up the nutes or don't have enough. usaully the ph is low if overfed and ppms high. The ppms low and ph High if underfed. All the info helps when things go south.
Well, I don't think there is much you can do at this point. They got off track a long time ago and it is not getting better. Flushing the Bio-Bizz soils does not end well all too often. It flushes the salts but not the mineral additions and it just seems very difficult to get the balance back from that point.

Just feed balanced nutrients at 50% strength add kelp, Humic Acid and B-vitamins if you can.