Indoor Magic's May Giveaway 2018

"I remember the outbreak. I remember it well."

It came on subtlely at first, as it crept into our lives disguised as one technological advance after another. And, surely, it was. But it went too far.

Humans will always go too far.

And they did...

It started long before the computer, the cell phone or even the internet. Automation they called it. Making life easier and in the process removing the human element. Dependency, slowly became a crutch, nay... An addiction.

By the late 2000's human interactions become damn near non-existent. People sitting next to each other didn't even know the other was alive. Everyone was plugged into this devices staring endlessly at a screen.

I was guilty of it myself. I realized just how bad I had become when I noticed a woman that seemed to be giggling out loud in her cubicle after everything I posted into the ether. A girl that hired me some years before, but I couldn't even tell you her name. I only knew her by her screen name...


I am sure she was good at what she did or she wouldn't have worked for this company, but never the less, I really hadn't any clue. None of us did. I often wonder about "Pono" and if she made it... But, that's another story for another time.

It was the reports of jobs from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that truly set the alarm bells ringing in my head. Jobs were down by forty-two percent. And not the jobs, mind you. The labor force itself was becoming extinct.

People were not working. Hell, they weren't doing anything but sitting there and staring at their screens and waiting for the next post to come through their feeds.

The Zombie Apocalypse become all too real.

These were not, however, the zombies that we all grew up seeing in the movies or on tv shows, and they damn sure didn't run around chasing and eating people. They were really quite harmless from what we had been conditioned to expect from a Hollywood Zed.

They were still no less effective at being a plague spreading detriment to humanity, they just did it in a whole different manner than what anyone ever expected. And that is how it snuck up on us, and by the time we figured it out, it was too late. The avalanche had already begun rolling downhill.

The Techno-Zeds were mindless content hoarders. They lived until they died one link click at a time until they quite factually sat there wasting away until deceased. And the national mortality rate was rising, and quick!

Something had to be done...

This is when myself and a handful of other talented individuals were recruited into the organization known only as "Magic 16." To this day we still do not know the full scope of what Magic 16 is or even fully understand what they do. All I can tell you is that the team I worked with was tasked to eradicate the Techno-Zed.

We were headed up by two phenomenal men. Dr. Marin and Dr. Chong botanists of the nth degree. Their plan to battle this plague was simple and really boiled down to just one word... Sativa.

That's correct. Cannabis. In what I personally call the greatest ironic page of the human history. It was good ole Mary Jane that government's ultimately turned to, to save the world.

Doctors Marin and Chong were steadfast in their convictions that the planets best hope was to create a strain of cannabis that would be so amazing and potent that it would pardon the pun "raise the dead itself."

The team comprised of Hippies, growers, stoners, breeders, light techs, soil freaks, hydro fiends, nute nuts, toke-hacks and anybody/anything else associated with growing and or smoking/delivering cannabis into the bloodstream by any method possible.

We were locked away behind closed doors for two years. Crossing this with that, and that to this, and some of those to some of these until BINGO!

We had the cure. The eradication of the Techno-Zed.

A truly Eureka moment and to see it happen first hand was nothing short of amazing. See, we had a room of test subject "TZ's" that for two years would not budge. They sat there playing with their gizmos and gadgets barely grunting an audible sound let alone feed themselves. Some of us on the team had all but given up until...

One toke, one dab, one vape, one mg of tincture... The whole control group was all given just one. Suddenly the color comes back to their face, they started looking around the room as if they just woke up from a bad dream and then, here's the kicker. They all audibled their first understandable words in years and they all pretty much said the very same thing.


It was shortly after this that the strain got its name after they leaped from their couch-locked existence and made a B-Line straight for the kitchen and SMASHED like the Hulk!

Fruity Pebbles EVERYWHERE!

That’s some good shit right there [emoji1303]
Bubba’s trouble:
Episode 420 :smoking:“The witch doctor “

Last week we left off with bubba successfully stopping a nuclear arms war...
This week we start with bubba yet again arising to the Arizer (<—- bonus points that’s slick) not remembering the events that unfolded the week prior or unaware of the adventures about to unfold...
cue theme song....

“ I don’t know who this skelly guy is, but 50 bags... I can smoke 50 bags” bubba got to work.. 56 bags later “ I think that’s 30...”
Bubba riddled with munchies knowing the cupboards were empty, in a stoner move of faith he reaches between the couch and grabs what seems to be a 4 year old Doritos and devoured it.. fuzzy couch stuff and all...
By the time the 57th bag was ready the chip kicked in...

Now for those of us who remember last season.. that was one of the teleportation chips left by the aliens...

Scratch that, I do music...
Let your ears do the work not your eyes.

In the beginning when God's rule the universe and the Earth was molten metal.

The God Red Satan overseen the Earth and all it's evolution from the beginning he molded it to become what it is today he seen all.
From the Garden of Eden to today's Apocalyptics ways

For billions of years he has watched and pondered explored and experimented on humans and beasts alike. Creating very many different varieties of plants animals and humans.
He is seen all of the evil and all of the good that begat the Earth.

But there was a force a god an entity that he could not see but he could feel. He could fight but did not know how.

The force intervened in everything the god Red Satan try to create. The Entity laughed in the face of the god Red Satan.
The god Red Satan said I will create a plant... a plant with great powers I'll create this plant in secret. This plant will be coveted and be the most valuable plant the Earth has ever known this plant will be a cure but I'll also be known as a scourge it'll be with great good powers but believe to harbor satanus ways better know as (Reefer Madness) and known Through the Ages as locoweed Mota and would be deemed as no value to the medical community of the earth.
He would name this new plant after himself.... Red Satan.
This new plant became the medical wonder of the ages it was a cure-all people came in droves to acquire this new in fantastic plant to use it in various ways to smoke it as flower to press it into oil to make it into wax to use it as dabs and vape it was the wonder drug of the Earth the most fantastic plant the Earth is ever known.

Then the entity revealed himself to the god Red Satan.
He said I am the god
Alien overlord....
The Alien overlord who is trying to take over the universe from all the Gods. The Alien overlord was trying to destroy all of their Good Deeds.
The Alien overlord who had been watching the red Satan create his secret new plant.

The Alien overlord had many spies many secret minions and many humans that collaborated with the alien overlord to help him destroy the Good Deeds of the Red Satan.
The Red Satan could not hide his new plant. And not knowing.

The Alien overlord said I will create a plant I will create a plant that's greater than the Red Satan I'll create a plant that's better is stronger that will cure and also will cause great hallucinations people will not know if it's good or bad I will instill Reefer Madness once more upon the people of the earth.

So the story goes as we live our lives from day-to-day still not knowing if we have good or if we have evil in our plants that we love to grow and the others deem to be Satanist evil and the
Reefer Madness lives on.

Sent from my garden [emoji482]
It's hard, after years of being with someone, to throw yourself back into the ring and meet new folks. Especially with one eye on romance because not everyone suits being alone. This was one of those occasions.

I was sat in a booth in a small-town diner, by myself, waiting for the waitress to come and take my order. A woman walked past, clad in a full-length red satin gown and matching heels, and caught my eye. She paused, then slowly smiled.
"Mind if I join you?" she asked in a soft voice. I gestured to the seat opposite, lost for words. It wasn't just that she was dressed to impress, but she seemed almost otherworldly. She was darkly tanned, brunette with smoky brown eyes and a full pout. "I'm Etta, short for Violeta, and I feel I know you from somewhere," she said with a questioning glance. I shook my head sadly.
"I don't think so, but I'm Alec," I offered her my hand to shake and she held it for a moment. I registered how warm her touch was and now she was closer I could smell her perfume. It was exotic, as she appeared to be, and filled my nostrils with a mixture of warm caramel, vanilla and a small dash of something unidentifiable at that moment.

The waitress took both our orders and we indulged in small talk before the food came. There seemed to be a kind of chemistry between us, as if Etta had been right when she'd said she thought she knew me. We had lots of movie likes in common, our music tastes were similar, and we even both liked our steaks rare. Could this be the start of something special?

Suddenly a noise came from her purse and she sighed. "Excuse me, I have to get this," she apologised, and left the booth with her cellphone in hand. I could see her pacing back and forth outside the diner, gesticulating wildly as she took the call. The waitress brought our meals and for a second I looked down at my plate, my mouth watering in anticipation. When I looked up again Etta was nowhere to be seen. I rushed to the door and looked all around but she was gone.

"Hey, sir? You gotta pay for this, you can't just leave!" the waitress called, hustling over to me. Reluctantly I returned to the booth and sat to eat my meal, once again alone. I even paid for Etta's, damn fool that I was, just in case somehow she'd know it and be grateful that for a time her and the red satin dress she wore had left a big impression on a lonely man.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental... :haha:


BONES: I hope you know what you are doing. There has to be some galactical law permitting the Captain of a Starship from the misappropriation of a young planets seeds.

KIRK: Trust me, Bones. I have it on good authority from an Aldean Elder that what these seeds mature to be is well worth a court-martial.

Six Months Later...

Witch Doctor (2).jpg



KIRK: Absolutely...

SPOCK: Intriguing.


KIRK: *Cough Cough Cough*


KIRK: We have to come up with the perfect name for this strain. It is amazing! I have never experienced such relaxation and what it does to pain is unreal. Seriously, it gets completely rid of any aches and pain. It's damn near supernatural. In fact, it does just as good a job as you, if not better, Bones.


BONES: Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a witch...


SPOCK: Interesting... Witch Doctor.

Cannabis: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the stonedship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new strains, to seek out new weed and new cultivations, to boldly toke where no one has toked before.
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:bravo:its been very entertaining reading these stories! Thanks for those who have entered and those who plan to. There is no entry limit on this months comp so if u think of something in a couple weeks please post!