Indoor Magic Prototypes


Canna Engineer
Sep 11, 2013
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Hello ladies and gentlemen and I am Magic of Colorauto and welcome to the beginning of a long and magical journey. My ultimate goal is to become a great auto breeder and help medical users around world see autos can give you the same quality meds in less time, also bring a little of my own "magic" into the auto world. :wiz:

I have hand selected good friends and great growers to be my testers and they will be here shortly to introduce them selves. This will be their thread to gather info and pictures to help me select the best strains to move forward with. There will be ups and hopefully very little downs but I will overcome them because quality is my number one goal and these guys have been kind enough to help achieve that goal. I can't thank them enough. Hope u all enjoy the ride its going to epic! :amazon:

Now let the magic begin!:growing:
Hello everyone! Not sure if I'm a good friend or a great grower, I certainly strive to be both! I am happy to help Magic kick off his dream and grow out his gear!

Yes blessed, please take a knee. You will soon be greeted, by all the Knights of Magic!(you 'll see soon enough):biggrin:

I, Lads and Lasses, am known as Sir Briman of Beerfridge, and will be growing out this fine gear, Magic has taken the time to make possible, the realm of Man and Dragons. You heard me right, DRAGON lineage in all you will see here! So sit back, roll one up, drink your favorite beverage and join in the fun! Cant wait to see what the future holds!
Well, I'm Scottish and Welsh (genealogically speaking) ...for Knightly matters, I'll stick with Wales for now, not that I'm not proud of my Scottish lineage, just the current state of Royal affairs...LOL! Let's see....

I dub myself: Sir Trapper of Cardiff :)
WWWillie of Walstib here!
Ready to grow and go.

So WWWillie here again. Being a bit of a Dead Head I started my best man's speech at my best friend's wedding 35 some odd years ago with What a Long Strange Trip It's Been! Ever since then we use that acronym for all sorts of things so I thought it would make an appropriate title for our Merry Adventure! That's how I decided to become WWWillie of Walstib! Hope you like it too. Well I think the best title went to Briman, I mean seriously, beerfridge! I am jealous.
Been growing for a bit and consider myself at the intermediate stage of grower. I have a small setup with a few tents, I use HID and LED lighting and grow in soil. I hope to provide a good home for these tester!
Peace and happy growing everyone, hang on kids I think it's gonna be a fun ride!!
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