Well finally joined guys been lurking for close to 6-7 months. I have i guess what would be considered a MICRO cab 18"long X 10"wide X 18"tall, has a exhaust fan with my own design of a carbon filter (it runs through a wooden box rig) and has three 100w equivalents and one 150 equivalent. Im guessing 2-3 max for # of autos that it will be capable of. I just started a 12-12 from seed (i already had em on hand) just two Nirvana NL; i plan to purchase Blue Himalaya as it should fit my needs well. Thanks guys sorry for the novel but Im here!
Start a journal in the new growers section and join in the fun!
Seems like you may be headed for a bit of serious LST if you are going to keep the girls in check!
a BIG HIGH welcome to AFN mooons, thanks for joining our family of Breeders and Growers of Auto-flowering Cannabis. There is a New Growers Forum thread above with all the help you need for a successful grow. Remember there is a wealth of knowledge in the stickies at the top of the pages as well as the Reference Links thread above. Feel free to PM any of the Guide Assistants with an "A" Staff Icon under their avatar for any help you may need. The Site Terms Of Use is posted in the above sticky . Now join in and enjoy your new family of Growers and Friends.
Allo mooons. How goes it, good sir? So glad to have you on the AFN. Loving all the new members. If there's anything we can do to help out let us know. I am looking forward to some pics of this little box of yours. Sounds cool!
Welcome to the site Mooons. There are some good micro growers here on site, so be sure that you check out some of their grow journals for good info. Also, please check out the Site Terms of Use when you get a chance...there arent many but they are to be respected. Good luck and happy grows!
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