So no major updates everybody looks like seedlings, have a few that didnt make it and a suprise one pop up on me guess I miss marked or planted in a different spot then I planned haha.
Anyways this thing takes alot of water I just put about 8 gallons in, I'm glad it still is experiencing a dry cycle and not staying overly/weirdly moist so that's great. Still havent put in the blumats because I'm lazy and have been working every day.
One problem popping up, I am seeing some little bitty flying bugs, mostly they are in the soil not flying but it looks like then can fly they are maybe about a millimeter mil and a half long, grayish black. Dont know what they are, they 100% had to come in some of the soil if my reptile keeping has taught me anything it's that you should always bake(litterlly) your medium/substrate to kill any unwanted pests, however I didnt know if that would damage anything I need in the soil.
Can anyone suggest what these things could be and how to deal with them? I want to do so as naturally as possible, lady bugs are an option but not wanting to really deal with them, other options are spring tails I can get from a reptile store, they make a good clean up crew, not sure how or if they would handle the little mites or whatever they are.
Anyways. Good evening AFN fam. Roll up a fat doiink for me.