No doubt about it, place your bets!! LST improves yield!!
Whenever I get lazy, and dont LST as much(only a few tie downs, as apposed to 100) I get less yield and my plants look stretched/spaced out more, and the buds are usualy way less/smaller. Im going to go ahead and say that LST is maybe not needed if you have powerful lights with tons of lumens per square foot... but with my 250w hps, LST is a must, and im going to stand firm on this. I have seen the difference between LST and non LST, im convinced it makes my yield 2-4 times bigger.. It also makes it much easier to work in my room, I dont have to move my light up and down because my plants canopy's are all at the same height from tieing down. The key is to tie every branch over before it is in full bloom(week 4-6) I start tieing down at about week 2, but week 3 is when i see branches to tie down...When its in full bloom I then cut off all the ties because its not growing anymore, and it will stay in place now. Once you tie over a branch and expose one of it's nodes to the light, it will produce another branch, and get to the same size roughly. I think some people dont know how to tie them down, or feel they will break/cause stress to them, and ive seen people break branches, but i have not broke one yet(Knock on wood), and I have done like 10,000 tie downs lol.... Anyways as I said if you have tons of lumens per square foot, then the light will penetrate to the bottom branches anyways(and should bush out), but with small units(600w, 400w, 250w hps) you should be tieing them down, and you will find its easy and beneficial once you get the feel for it. I also talked a friend into tieing down his outdoor photo plant in a 10 gallon bucket, and he was almost crying at how much the yield increase was, his plant is usualy very tall, that season it was very tall/bushy, and produced way more then normal.
Good Luck with your choice, and know that LST is best done in VEG stage to produce new colas, once buds show up LST has no effect as the plant is not stretching anymore, and is producing buds, I found this to be week 5 roughly! :smokebuds:
Whenever I get lazy, and dont LST as much(only a few tie downs, as apposed to 100) I get less yield and my plants look stretched/spaced out more, and the buds are usualy way less/smaller. Im going to go ahead and say that LST is maybe not needed if you have powerful lights with tons of lumens per square foot... but with my 250w hps, LST is a must, and im going to stand firm on this. I have seen the difference between LST and non LST, im convinced it makes my yield 2-4 times bigger.. It also makes it much easier to work in my room, I dont have to move my light up and down because my plants canopy's are all at the same height from tieing down. The key is to tie every branch over before it is in full bloom(week 4-6) I start tieing down at about week 2, but week 3 is when i see branches to tie down...When its in full bloom I then cut off all the ties because its not growing anymore, and it will stay in place now. Once you tie over a branch and expose one of it's nodes to the light, it will produce another branch, and get to the same size roughly. I think some people dont know how to tie them down, or feel they will break/cause stress to them, and ive seen people break branches, but i have not broke one yet(Knock on wood), and I have done like 10,000 tie downs lol.... Anyways as I said if you have tons of lumens per square foot, then the light will penetrate to the bottom branches anyways(and should bush out), but with small units(600w, 400w, 250w hps) you should be tieing them down, and you will find its easy and beneficial once you get the feel for it. I also talked a friend into tieing down his outdoor photo plant in a 10 gallon bucket, and he was almost crying at how much the yield increase was, his plant is usualy very tall, that season it was very tall/bushy, and produced way more then normal.
Good Luck with your choice, and know that LST is best done in VEG stage to produce new colas, once buds show up LST has no effect as the plant is not stretching anymore, and is producing buds, I found this to be week 5 roughly! :smokebuds: