Grow Mediums LPH questions

Jul 15, 2016
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hy guys i see most of you are using DWC and i really can't find any topics with low pressure airoponics is there anybody here that could guide me on building a LPA system and give me a few tips and tricks?
I built an aeroponic system to start my plants before I move them to bubble bucket. I just took a 5 gallon bucket and I put a Rio 600 submersible pump in the bottom of the bucket with a piece of pipe coming from the pump to just below the lid of the bucket. On the underneath of the lid I glued a couple of bottle caps underneath the lid in the center. I stacked a couple of the caps up to get distance from the lid. Basically the water shoots up from the bottom of the bucket hits the bottle caps and diffuses the water into a nice bell of water that hits the net pots in the lid. I spaced out five net pots around the lid. Might fit six if you really push it. It's an awesome system for clones or starting seeds. You can grow plants to full size in it but I probably wouldn't do more then 2 full size plants. Hope this helps. If you need pics let me know I have to change my rez water tomorrow so I will have it apart if you want pics
yea pictures would be great.i planned 1 plant in a 5 gallon bucket but i could take your idea and do 2-5.tell me does the lid need extra support because of the weight of a full grown plant?