Indoor Lowryder #2 - Keeping it simple.

I read somewhere that Lowryder 2 can be smoked at six weeks from seed if you are desperate enough, and as I don't have anything else available decided to see if it is true. I made single skin roll up neat, shared between two people and we were both pleasantly surprised at how potent it already is. A waste of bud I know, it shrinks to nothing drying it in the microwave, but there you go it got me stoned. I'll probably end up wasting an ounce through impatience now.

Microwave!! Bloody heathen lol [emoji23]

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Day 49 from seed (Week 7). - These plants seems to be stable and flourishing, very healthy looking plants atm. I've been feeding them 5:1 manure tea/rain water every other day, with an added brown sugar cube for every 2 litres. Pots have been topped off with farmyard composted manure too. I've continued with Triacontanol foliar spray once per week, but from here on will only add it to the soil as I don't want to spray it onto the buds, although I understand doing so is harmless. Been smoking this a week so final weight will be well under, it's a good plant if you want something smoke-able within six weeks from seed. The smallest plant is now the biggest, but is about a week behind.
Day 56 from seed (Week 8). - Lowryder [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] - Pistils are changing colour, generally looking healthy and frosty but the sticky buds are not dense enough atm.
Day 63 from seed (Week 9) - Lowryder [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] - I decided to give these another week although they could be harvested now. I think the buds will fatten up more if I wait. I've been smoking it since week 6, it's waste of bud bud yes you can if you have no other meds available. It has a nice effect, not too strong so can still get things done. The buds look really nice and frosty. Going to give rain water only from her on.

This is one of the Lowryder 2 plants at 9.5 weeks, it was topped, as you can see they do get frosty if you look after them. One plant is behind so will likely harvest them all at 11 weeks. They will only be given rain water from here on.

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Day 70 Week 10 - The runt plant needs another week at least, all other plants have milky trichomes so could come down. This is where the 300w Mars Hydro LED falls behind for this size tent. In the past I've used a 400w HID light on a slightly larger tent and I'm sure buds were denser at this stage, so will leave them all another week before harvest to see what happens. I've been smoking it for a month and the tent still looks like it has a few ounces left in there. For the weekend smoker the Lowryder [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] will seem respectably potent, it's a bit of a creeper.
In the end there was 3.5 ounces dry plus trimmings, and I must have smoked an ounce while they were still growing so probably achieved to 1g per watt I was hoping for. The single 300w Mars Hydro led wasn't powerful enough for the size of tent as the buds were too immature to take down at 10 weeks really, needed another week or two but I had to have the room back for decorating so took them down anyway. Previously I've used a 400w HID and slightly larger grow tent with much better bud density lower in the plant, but is good enough for personal use as potency is good. Next grow starts in a couple of weeks, I plan to use two Mars Hydro's, a stronger strain, and a bit more patience. I was happy with the results of using manure, or at least my wallet was. The strongest stinkiest plant I've ever smoked is from an unknown strain a friend has been growing from cuttings for over ten years and it still blows your socks off. People don't want anything else in this region. In comparison I'd score the LR2 seven points out of ten for potency.