Outdoor Lowryder #2 in Smart Pots (on Grassy Farmland) - Increasing Sun w/o Sacrificing Stealth?

Jan 3, 2018
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AC/DC & Cherry Wine hemp
Got some seeds (finally!) and gonna attempt an extremely small-scale grow this summer. No more than one or two plants at most. I know Lowryders do best on patios, balconies & the like, but I won't be having that option due to my roommates. I do however have a large backyard with private farm land where I can set my pots. The backyard is cut in half by a row of trees that block the entire back half from view, and people rarely go back there.

My biggest obstacles are: stealth, inadequate sun exposure & "critters", by which I mean wasps, spiders & fire ants that are likely to attack ME while I'm tending to my plants. I need my 3-gallon pots to be somewhere out of direct view in case someone drives back there, but they also need sun. To describe the area: We have a giant one-sided storage shed type of thing, a dirt road that cuts through the area & a ton of grass/weeds basically. The ground is a bit hilly & uneven. There's a spigot back there for convenient watering.

Should I find something to prop my smart pots up on to give the plants a better advantage over the tall grasses? (Like a bucket or smtg). Or should I just place them in an open area & hope they don't get seen? I don't have access to a lawnmower or weed whacker....using one would def draw suspicion from my roommates. I can move the pots daily & definitely WILL be moving them when storms come in and stuff. We have a lot of days here where the winds are over 30-40mph, so there's a risk of my pots blowing off of any platform I use. I guess I'm asking if my plants will full-on die if they don't get optimum sun every day. I can handle decreased yield but I'd be sad if they died. I've never worked with autoflowers (or grown ANY pot to full harvest) so I'm not that familiar with LR's likes & dislikes.

I don't have any money to spend on fancy canopies or other stuff--as I said, this is a low-budget small a scale grow. Just looking for cheap-to-free ideas like tamping down the grass or propping up my plants to help them get more rays.

hi and welcome :pass:can you place them close by that is not on your land ? just incase they are found you wont have any fingers or awkward questions.
put a couple of bricks in the pot.lowriders dont get big so thats a good stealth thing.
direct sun shouldnt be a problem.they autos they get what they are given and are happy with it.
some sticks a bit of chicken wire.
i never done outdoor before sorry.check out the outdoor section,start a journal so we can follow along easier.pop into live stoners if you get a bit lost,and read read read.
good luck.