New Grower Look Who Now Owns General Hydroponics

Can somebody explain what will happen to the products they have now.... will they not be carried anymore or be altered in some type of way?

I only use their cal-mag supplement and i have most of my feeds written down so im consistent from grow to grow and i know exactly what will make my water around 6.5 so i dont want to have to change it up or go buy something else that will be different.

Any info is appreciated :Sharing One:
Miracle-Gro is mass produced, made with inferior ingredients that are cheap and destructive to the environment. Scotts (the owner of miracle gro) has been found guilty many times in US Ferderal Court of purposely mislabeling products with carcinogens and using products that are lethal to wildlife and humans.

I predict that GH will go the same way, they will probably cut corners in their nutrients and put in cheaper products, with the same label gh had.
Miracle-Gro is mass produced, made with inferior ingredients that are cheap and destructive to the environment. Scotts (the owner of miracle gro) has been found guilty many times in US Ferderal Court of purposely mislabeling products with carcinogens and using products that are lethal to wildlife and humans.

I predict that GH will go the same way, they will probably cut corners in their nutrients and put in cheaper products, with the same label gh had.
You got that right! You can't trust ANY company that's owned by Monsanto. You don't know what they may have put in their products, they are BIG on GMO, they've genetically modified corn to grow in soil saturated in Roundup, they sue farmers who's crops have been pollinated by airborne pollen for fields growing Monsanto crops. They even have their own police force!! They are the Antichrist as far as I'm concerned!
Miracle-Gro is mass produced, made with inferior ingredients that are cheap and destructive to the environment. Scotts (the owner of miracle gro) has been found guilty many times in US Ferderal Court of purposely mislabeling products with carcinogens and using products that are lethal to wildlife and humans.

I predict that GH will go the same way, they will probably cut corners in their nutrients and put in cheaper products, with the same label gh had.

In the other thread about this, someone contacted them and said that Scott's has assured them they don't plan on changing a thing.

I don't believe it for one second personally, but supposedly it will be business as usual at GO, but it seemed like even the people at GO have their doubts that will be true.

I use Down to Earth, but I don't know if they have anything comparable to the GO line (a ready to use chemical or liquid fert or the like).
Aw man I was going to change over to them for my next grow... What's the next best alternate quality / cost wise...

Take a look at GrowMore's Sea Grow. Good stuff, good price. several members here use it. House and Garden's Aquaflakes A and B are great stuff also.
Take a look at GrowMore's Sea Grow. Good stuff, good price. several members here use it. House and Garden's Aquaflakes A and B are great stuff also.

Thanks pop - will take a look at those... Was after something non organic for my next one and good stuff is hard to come by in Aus at a decent price!