New Grower Long time stoner, first time grower...

Welcome to the group and good luck on your grow. Starts look good and your WiFi monitoring thingy sounds awesome, but way too complex for an old dude like me. I just stick my head in the tent and finger in the pots lol. Looking forward to following your grow!
Hi EYewood, I’m a long time stoner myself, finally getting around to my first grow. Sounds like you have a great setup.

I’m running a 3 bucket DWC grow now and I sure could use a WiFi machine like you have. I go in the tent at least 4 times a day, sometimes more, to check the pH on all 3 buckets. I’d love to have one that told me that. But I can’t complain really, I love to admire the ladies and I have to refill the humidifier, top off the water levels, and whatnot anyhow.

Sounds like you hit the first bump in the road and your device told you exactly what caused it. That’s a nice luxury there!

Best of luck on your grow!

Hi Davisgirl! I saw your thread a while ago, I haven't really done much research on DWC grows but admire your ladyballs for your choice of system! :biggrin:

I havent seen a WiFi PH meter but I'm sure such a thing must exist! Can't imagine cheap though!

Despite all my safe guards I still managed to mistreat the girls, but as you say at least I have a fair idea of the problem! :toke:

Thanks for the support!
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Welcome to the group and good luck on your grow. Starts look good and your WiFi monitoring thingy sounds awesome, but way too complex for an old dude like me. I just stick my head in the tent and finger in the pots lol. Looking forward to following your grow!

Hi Wes! That's not the attitude to have lol! Embrace technology! Lol

Nah, you stick with the finger in the soil if it works. I can definitely appreciate the basics and understand that some would have no benefit from additional tech. Even with all that I still messed up! :crying:

Thanks for following! :toke:
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Hey guys, hope you're well!! NL is now 2 weeks old!! Growing up fast. :bighug:
This is her last week .

6cm in height .

Here she is today.





She's now 16cm in height .

The bottom two sets of leaves are looking dry. I hope this is just the results of being cooked for a night, what do you think? Is my light too close maybe? Seems to just be the bottom set and only on the NL, the BM looks fine .

I'll post an update for her tomorrow when she hits the 2 week mark. :thumbsup:

Another thought on the leaves is perhaps I'm not watering enough? They get daily waters as the are always dry when I check but I may not be giving enough... The soil moisture meter has only read DRY once. Even at this point she was reaching towards the light. No droop.

Generally delighted with her progress though! At this rate she'll be getting topped after the fourth this weekend. :bighug:
Hey guys, I'm a day late because I went to the cinema last night. If you haven't seen it Bohemian Rhapsody is an outstanding watch! Highly recommended.

Blue Mystic

1 week old

Here she is today


Looking happy enough.

I also topped the northern lights this evening...



I'll let someone tell me if it's been done incorrectly :crying:


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Looks right to me. Some let the cola get taller but I don't bother

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