Living Organic Soil & A Few Autos

Chuggin along! The two sour stompers on the right are now in full flower mode. One of the two unnamed crosses on the right, is showing pre flower. The other has finally shown sex, but that's it so far. The 3bog in the middle is just about to start flowering.

I pollinated three branches of the sour stomper that is on the bottom left. I used the reversed pollen from a dark cream auto from sweet seeds to make some fem hybrid autos. I also pollinated three branches of the unnamed cross on the bottom left. Im thinking about reversing the 3bog since its the smallest of the bunch. I'll decide this weekend. Other than that, all else is well. I plan to do a final top dress some time next week to make sure they are good to go through flower.

And then there were three! So... Since the last update, I've cut down the cover crop and chopped the unnamed cross that was super slow to flower. I kind of need thread to all finish around the same time, so since it hadn't even hit preflower, I culled it. Kinda glad I did because it gave the 3bog a little room to breathe. I also turned the bed so that other parts of the plants can get better light.

Since I had some Chemdogging × Ripleys male pollen, I decided to dust the 3bog with it. I'm hoping to find a few of the offspring that resemble MBAP.

I've only top dressed the soil twice. Once during prep, then again at flower ( which probably wasn't needed, but I was being safe). It's a very alive soil at this point. If you pull back the decomposing cover crop and mulch, you'll see all types of critters.. If you leave your hand in to long, they will end up on ya, lol.

Some of the leaves on the plants are showing signs of stress.. Not much, but still. It's a combination of light stress and a little nute burn. Im running out of vertical space so the plants are all pretty close to the light (315w cmh).. A few tips have yellowed because I think the soil is now prime! I've been adding micro life which, by this point, has made a good amount of nutrients available to the plants. Nothing crazy though. It's actually easier to burn your plants with organics than it is with bottles.. Just gotta keep an eye on an and read their needs.

Anywhoo.. I'd say I've got 4-6 weeks left at most. The Sour Stomped #1(seeded) is frosting up nicely.. Sour Stomped #2 is starting to get a little color in the buds.. The unnamed cross (seeded) is looking like it will have the biggest yields. And 3bog has shot up in height and is just starting to form buds!

Group shot:

Unnamed Cross:


Sour Stomper #2

Sour Stomper #1
Plants are filling in nicely, Proph! Buds are starting to stack now, and should be showtime real soon. I love this style of growing, and should have tried years ago. As a former DWC guy, though, I don’t know if I can agree that it’s easier to burn with organics. I remember what happens a couple hours after a bad reservoir change during my first grow! Didn’t know a -pant could absorb nutes that quick!
Day 67... Im thinking it will be a few more weeks before harvest.. Maybe end of the month or 1st week of March! All four plants are doing well.. 3 of the 4 plants are fully seeded so the actual bud production slowed down and the plants are focused on seed making. So they may seem a little behind for 67 days.. The 3BOG is about 2 weeks younger than the other 3 plants. The two Sour stompers started having issues about 2 weeks ago.. Turns out I wasn't watering enough. Enough as in, volume of water. I decided to dig around in the soil and once I got about half way down, there were huge sections that were bone dry! So those two suffered because of it. As you can see in some spots, I did get a little nute burn, but I'm prepping this soil to veg photo clones so it should be just about right.. Its harder than I thought to keep the ENTIRE bed moist. Im using 25% of soil volume to gal of water, instead of 10%. All plants are over 2 1/2 feet tall and the tops are pretty close to the light. Won't be much longer now! Excited about the hybrid crosses as well!!

Group shot

Unnamed cross #1.. You can't really see it, but she is putting out some pretty colors. Because of that, I decided to do a bx using the reversed pollen from her mom (who was completely purple). So her seeds should be a nice purple leaning, chem funk auto fem strain.

Sour Stomper #1.. She was pollinated using some pollen from the reversed black cream auto from sweet seeds.. Super frosty as always. Im hoping to add a little color to the sour stomper line..

Sour Stomper #2... This one started off weird. Never few out 5 fingered fan leaves.. Just stopped at three. I decided to not pollinate it and just let it go
naturally. And because of that she will be the 1st one done. Classic sour stomper colors and smell.

3BOG.. Im glad I gave her some room to grow up and out. Its such a stable strain. I decided to make auto regs with this lady.. So I hit her with Chemdogging x Ripleys Og male pollen. It will be my play on mbap which is 3bog x Ripleys.
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Perhaps some added bottom watering might help solve issue along with some sort of auto water system ..... I found it hard to keep a seven gallon single plant watered properly - when I finished grow and tore down pots I had very few worms remaining which told me parts of my soil were dead.
Perhaps some added bottom watering might help solve issue along with some sort of auto water system ..... I found it hard to keep a seven gallon single plant watered properly - when I finished grow and tore down pots I had very few worms remaining which told me parts of my soil were dead.
Indeed. Im thinking about using the 12 gal auto pot res.. Maybe just put a gallon in it every day or two and let it saturate the pot. It's crazy how we will never stop learning! Every grow we find things we could/should have done better.. And every grow slaps us with something we had no plans for! Makes me wanna germ more seeds RIGHT NOW, lol!
And then there were three..

I chopped the unseeded sour stomper 2 days ago. The seeded sour stomper will be chopped some time this week. The unnamed cross now has a name.. Pinky Tuscadaro. She was pollinated by reversed pollen of her mom to try to lock down the pink/purple trait. Obviously the biggest yield of the 4. I like this cross so far.. 3bog is chugging along. Will probably go until the 1st week of March.

I germed two nch x 3bog to put in this bed and just use it for autos. I bought another 15g of soil and a 15g fabric pot for the photo period run. So in a couple of weeks I will have two new plants going in this bed. Only doing two this time. These plants are way smarter than we are. They knew to only grow so far and so high as to not crowd each other. Their side branches grew almost vertical, knowing that other plants were around them.

This next grow will be more focused on yield. This one ended up being a seed run, lol.

The bad side of growing in a bed, is that you can't take the plants out for pics, lol. Bad angles, too much light, too much of the wrong kind of light (cmh), lol. The leaves aren't yellowing.. Its the cmh lighting..

Check out Pinky..