Live Stoners Live Stoners Best and Worst Bud 2017

Best: Mephisto - 24C
Worst: A random freebie blue cheese auto, 3 different phenos, one lagged behind then spit out nanners and made me harvest early -I was being so patient too til that friggin' weed forced my (edward scissor) hand
@CoviklaFlaire do you want us to get you a Mentor to Talk you through a grow..?

Cheers everyone..your badges will show up shortly...:headbang:
I dont think that would help me .. :( but thanks for the tolerance is too high vs my grow skill.. maybee if we clone @TaNg and send him to me.. :) lol

@neurotree do you know breeder of freebie? dinafem abc was the bomb,at least for me..
I dont think that would help me .. :( but thanks for the tolerance is too high vs my grow skill.. maybee if we clone @TaNg and send him to me.. :) lol

@neurotree do you know breeder of freebie? dinafem abc was the bomb,at least for me..

Getting my tolerance low and keeping it there has made me enjoy getting high more than ever, weed seems more flavourful and different strains give me different feelings. Getting into dabbing and rosin was nice at the time but I don’t do it anymore, I have one vape after work and that’s it now.
As for your growing I’m here to help if I can.

My least favourite this year is some dodgy cheese grown by a friend, poorly grown and dried.

My favourite this year is some Fruity Pebbles grown by another friend under a Gavita Plasma, one of the frostiest and strongest tasting strains I’ve ever tried.
Royal Queen "Royal AK" was my best strain as it was the one to output my record yield of just over 5 ounces. I have a 1:1 CBD/THC Dinafem "Haze CBD" that is finishing up curing and the few times I've snuck a little, it has been an oustanding mix. I like it a lot. I'll have to think on which strain was the worst.

So do really like Dinafem , good customer service did you get you product quickly and what you ordered was it what you ordered. Trying to find another seed company.
My favourite this year, hands down, Skyler White. Just beautiful bud, flavour, high, bag appeal. Real grown up, connoisseur weed. I don't think I've grown anything this year that I wouldn't grow again. I ruined the dry on my Orange Bud, it dried too quick and I've lost a lot of terps, to the point I can't even complete the smoke report.

FYI, I've got a Samsquanch, Creme de la Chem, and 4 Assed Monkey, in the last week to 10 days, and they are gonna be AMAZING!
So do really like Dinafem , good customer service did you get you product quickly and what you ordered was it what you ordered. Trying to find another seed company.
Dinafem is my favorite breeder, however, they do not ship to the the country where we have a moronic clown for president. I try to order what I can directly from the breeders, otherwise it's a vendor which can certainly be a pain in the ass for type of payments accepted.
@Mossy. Great idea for a thread
I think I would have to say favorite grown is either barneys farm critical kush auto or obsoul33t genetics FPOG x aliendawg

Ones I absolutely wont grow again are from aurora winds botanical out of Arizona somewhere.
I ordered 2 each of what was supposed to be:
Auto girl scout cookies
Auto granddaddy purple
Auto Tahoe alien OG

Soaked all 6 seeds and only 3 germed, one of each strain strangely enough.
After about 45 days of veg growth, I finally came to accept the fact that they werent gonna autoflower, so I contacted the breeder and they said give them a couple hours of darkness each day to kick start the flowering. 10 days later after 18/6 lighting the only sign of sex that ever showed was 1 huge sac cluster that popped out at the junction of the main stem and a node on the GDP. I Like to branch out and give the small breeders some love, unfortunately that's what I get out of it sometimes. Ive kept them alive because I have to say that they do have amazing overall structure. As soon as there's space in the flower room, ill give them a fair chance while keeping a very close eye on them!

If anyone else has ever heard of them or considered their genetics, maybe they'll somehow stumble across this and it can be of some help. Happy Festivus
I forgot Chemdogging! What a moby :face:

I'm changing my favourite this year to Chemdogging. God knows how I forgot about her. She ruined me for weeks.
my year was mostly about exploring an f2 cross with a landrace I made. plenty of variation, good and bad.

my favorites are 2 plants I nicknamed A4 and A6.

A4 was the first harvest of all plants from this cross. still on the late side, but the rest was al much later(harvested the last one from the balcony half a week ago).
lovely smell. still have to see how it cures, but especially at the end of flowering it had a smell I just couldn't get enough of. sweet/lemony but the best part is a backgroundsmell that is hard to describe, I think it's a bit creamy, but earthy could maybe apply too.
she also had a good calyx/leaf ratio. I'm used to growing quiet leafy strains, since a lot of strains that work here outdoor are kind of fluffy and leafy.
she did have foxtail-structure(although I like the look of that), but mostly slightly bigger leaves, sticking out more so they were easy to trim away, and with some distance between them.
still want to let her cure to test her properly, but already tested some. effect is ok, nothing really spectacular/unexpected, but it's a nice relaxing sativa high.
btw, she was also a really pretty plant. red leaf-stems, and the veins at the underside of the smaller leaves were red too, in some you could see it even at the topside of the leaf. also interesting, after drying and putting the bud in jars I noticed all the stems have an orangecolored core. interesting trait that I've never seen before.

the A6 was much later. however, one area it really shone: mold resistance.
this plant was harvested 1-2 weeks ago. no mold at all, despite standing in non-stop drizzle rain for weeks. usually anything still outdoors at that time of year would be rotted away long ago. also good vigour, and she recovered.healed very well. I was training her a bit by bending branches, but I got a bit too enthusiastic, and didn't properly crushh the center of the main stem before bending it. so it broke, a little over halfway broken trough. I added a little piece of rope underneath the break to prevent it splitting further down, and the branch kept on living till the end, and it got a nice callus at the break.
smell was a bit weird at the end of flower(early flower she had very little smell), but after drying it seemed a lot better. only harvested recently though, so haven't really tested her yet, just a few uncured testbuds.
and the fattest buds of all plants f this cross. buds look very similar to some sisters of the father of the cross(father of the f1, cross was already f2 this year). only plant that doesn't have visible foxtailing, only one I could trim by just roughly following the shape of the bud and cutting at random, instead of targetting individual leaves. however, it's buds were very leafy.
from the little bit I tested, the high seemed good, among the better ones of this cross(although they're all pretty similar). it could be it's a bit anxiety-inducing though, I had one day were I tested some of the A6 and I got a bit anxious, didn't want to leave the house to go to the supermarket, since I felt I was too clearly/visibly high. but that was an early harvested testbud, uncured.

then now the bad.
probably the worst is the A7.
it's somewhat similar to the A6. similar vigour as young plant. but not such good healing. I did the same bending branches-thing to her, but then a fewdays later a storm happened. all the swaying about of the branches in the wind caused the skin to break at the bends, and I had to cut away a lot of dead branches.
she also had a similar strange smell as the A6 during late flower.
but, her buds are different. she is even more leafy as the A6, but without the fat buds. a lot of it is barely worth it to trim: it'll look ok at first, not the fattest bud but still some. then you styart cutting away leaves, and more leaves, and even more leaves... and you're left with a little twig with a few small calyxes spread over the twig, with up to half a cm btween calyxes.
it might have been better if I didn't loose al the tops of the branches(which have the best buds, especially in this cross, it doesn't bud too well lower in it's branches), but still, not a plant I want to continue working with.
also tested some buds, same story as the other, no proper test of cured buds yet. but I did get a first impression, and it hasn't changed my decision to reject it. I noticed something, but the high wasn't really special and it wasn't that strong either. still have to test her properly though.

another reject is A3.
although it's more of a mixed bag as the A7.
the A3 has yielded me some nice buds, nice smell, nice high. so purely for growing stash it's not a failed plant at all.
it has a decent calyx-leaf ratio. not as good as the A4, but still above average. bud structure ok too, a bit less extreme foxtail as A4, still not the fattest buds(none of this cross are, except the A6), but not bad at all. better as most from this cross.
the smell is very close to the mother of this cross(mother of the f1, that was a himalyan landrace, kumaoni from RSC). I recognise that smell in some degree in all plants, but the A3 is pretty much exactly the smell of the mother.
however, she had one big issue: stemrot. never experienced it like this.
I'm used to dealing with budrot. and if you don't notice t soon enough and cut it away, it can sread into the stems. that was the only stemrot I had seen so far.
but the A3 was dofferent. it already got a spot of stemrot when it had barely started flowering. not even close to the buds, but lower down on the branch.
and it kept getting new spots now and then.
however, it never went into the buds. only way it affected the buds was a branch were I waited to cut it away, and eventually the stemrot had probably take over so much of the stem that juices weren't flowing properly anymore, because all the leaves above the stemrot started turning brown. I then harvested that branch.
still, a good harvest since the stemrot didn't go into the buds, and the budrot resistance was similar to the average of this cross: one small bud with rot, despite finishing late and having to deal with the cold and rain of autumn.

also, on the good side, an honourable mention to A8.
this was one of a few plants growm at a friend's balcony, kept in smaller pots. they didn't do too well(mostly due to the small pots I think, but they also got wind damage). I also didn't keep as much notes on those plants.
so wile trimming I had a A8 branch that I decided to vape as test. it's not much to look at, open/fluffy leafy buds. potency was below average, but once I had vaped enough, the high was very good. it was the kind of high I'm often looking for: somewhat activating(but still relaxed), and very silly. I kept making lame jokes to myself than laughing at my own lame jokes. and I got a slight laughing fit, haven't had those in years.
but I still have to test her better to see if it was just a fluke, caused by set and setting, or if there's actually something about this plant that causes such a high every time.
if it turns out it's due to the plant, I'll continue breeding with the A8 too probably. despite it lacking in a lot of other areas, like below average potency(as in potency by weight, not max. potency achieved when smoking more) and bud structure.
but a plant that can give such a high reliably will be worth a lot to me.
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