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sola returns to push back the arctic night, first time seeing her in over a month!
Look at this...they have Finally made cannabis Dangerous...:doh:..leave it to the Scientists huh..?..:nono:

One person has been left brain-dead and five others hospitalised after a 'serious accident' during a drug trial in France.

French health Minister Marisol Touraine said the six had been taking part in a 'trial of an oral medication being developed by a European laboratory' in Rennes.

She said the six volunteers had been taking part in a 'trial of an oral medication being developed by a European laboratory' in the northwestern city of Rennes.

According to a source close to the case, the drug was a painkiller containing cannabinoids, an active ingredient found in cannabis plants.


French health Minister Marisol Touraine (pictured) said one person had been left brain-dead and five others hospitalised after a 'serious accident' during a drugs trial in France

A separate source said the research company Biotrial had been carrying out the drugs trial for Portuguese pharmaceutical company Bial.

'A serious accident took place,' the minister said of yesterday's incident, adding that the study had been halted and all volunteers taking part recalled.

The study was a Phase I clinical trial, in which healthy volunteers take a prototype medication to 'evaluate the safety of its use, tolerance and pharmacological profile of the molecule', the minister added in a statement.

The French health ministry did not say what the medicine was intended to be used for.

But it said the six patients, one of whom was in a coma, had been in good health until taking the medication.

It was not clear how many people were taking part in the study.

Clinical trials typically have three phases to assess a new drug or medical innovation for safety and effectiveness.

Human participation in such trials and scrutiny by outside watchdogs are essential for obtaining market authorisation.


The six patients had been taking part in a 'trial of an oral medication being developed by a European laboratory' in the northwest French town of Rennes (file picture, above, of the Town Hall)

Phase I entails a small group of volunteers, and focuses only on safety.

Phase II and Phase III are progressively larger trials, typically involving hundreds or thousands of volunteers, to assess the drug's effectiveness, although safety remains paramount.

Touraine was set to hold a press conference later today alongside a manager from the Biotrial company which has its French headquarters in Rennes.

The company conducts its Phase I trials at a 150-bed facility in Rennes and also in Newark, New Jersey, from where it carries out 'a large variety of early clinical studies,' according to its website.

Biotrial says it is able to fast-track early patient studies by 'combining the favourable regulatory environment in Western Europe with fast and efficient patient recruitment in Eastern Europe.'


Media reports said the drug was a cannabis-based painkiller, but this was denied by the health ministry. Pictured: a cannabis plant

The Paris prosecutor's office said an investigation had been opened.

Touraine vowed to 'shed light on' what happened and has called for an inspection of the research site.

Every year thousands of volunteers, often students looking to make extra money, take part in such clinical trials which are seen as safe.

Mishaps are relatively rare, but in 2006 six men were hospitalised in London after taking part in a clinical trial into a drug developed to fight auto-immune disease and leukaemia.

In gene therapy, setbacks have included the death of an 18-year-old US volunteer, Jesse Gelsinger, in 1999, and the development of cancer in two French children treated for 'bubble baby' syndrome, a chronic lack of immune defences.
smoked manzanita once, no high, easy to smoke though. How about morning glory seeds? 1 pkt mild nausea psycho active threshold, probably have to do lots.
What about whippits?? Drain the gas from a whipped cream can... Kind of like rush. As kids we used to go into the grocery store drain as many csns as we could and stumble back to the party
so right Mossy, and who would ingest pharma poison offered by an experimental "scientist"? They can't get it through their tiny minds that whole plant preparations are the most effective use of the healing plants. Herbalists have been demonstrating this for centuries.
Evening AFN is the Friday Worship everyone stashed up for the Winter Hibernaton...?

dark winter's morn, dreaming of the day I stood under the rainbow

sola returns to push back the arctic night, first time seeing her in over a month!

WOW trailanimal..Great Shots..:bravo:..I don't Think could survive in a land where you didn't See the sun for a month...

My pet penguin told me this in a dream: I've experienced sex with poppers, and I think it's very nice!

I've snorted it during sex, and you feel a very warm feeling, and you really fall "in love", but I imagine this is because I was with the person I love also...I've tried it also when I was reaching orgasm, and it is awesome!! It's a strange feeling, not dissimilar to other drugs..... but, I'd rather be stoned!

No diagrams required?

What about whippits?? Drain the gas from a whipped cream can... Kind of like rush. As kids we used to go into the grocery store drain as many csns as we could and stumble back to the party

Did any of ya fall for the "Drying banana skins" and then smoking them, scam ???? Come on, come on......

Any other daft things we did ???? Dying for a ciggie and smoking tea bags rolled up in a page of a Gideons !! etc etc

Tell eP all about it......

Wow..come to AFN and get a Full Education...:holymoly:..where I come from whippets are racing dogs and that as far as I got.
I never ever tried a damn Mother had me Petrified..:coffee:..

How about morning glory seeds?

What Do you Do with morning glory seeds..? mom mumbled..hmm..morning glory know what the hippies do with morning glory seeds don't you...and I said..hmm yeah..but I never did find out..:shrug:

Wow ... most of y'all are so old you be farting dust ... :yoinks:


im not stoned,im just terp testing....I learnt that from the dabbers thread :pighug:

Oh archie...don't you go into that Live Dabbers thread...:nono:..they could lead a Saint astray..
The way they go would Think we were on one of those damn canna forums....:shrug:

Oh Wait...we ARE...:doh:...TFFT..:frog:

WTF? I don't log on for a couple days at the most and here you all go and change things again on me? Damn it man, I'm getting older and I don't like changes! GET OFF MY YARD!!

Did you know about the New Photosensitive sister site too Blessed..?
You use your same log in details as AFN..:thumbsup:

If they would have given them just plain canna, it would have been fine.

Yup..I Wonder what chemicals they pumped it up with..sick puppies...:nono:..another way to discredit cannabis medicines.

Northern Grower has managed to get the Old AFN up and running..the addy to use is on the Header board if anyone wants to collect any old photos or info.

I signed up and had to change my password as they had all expired.
Then it let me In.
If you want to collect anything I suggest you do it fast coz NG says it is really dropping to bits..:thumbsup:

Happy Friday... :friday:
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