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@epenguin maybe a similar product was available just by a different name,I dunno... @The Elvis yes I don't recall the real name either I was an early teen who had to have someone buy it for in the Ac system ,THAT musta been a wild time !! Peace out !! Just a quick note( hope it don't offend) in Germany it's called derwienerslider in US it's called Vaseline. :pass:
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In my area it was a record store in the front ,head shop in the back,still is just cd's now...anybody remember the bottles of "rush" with the power pellet,how bout 20/20s or white crosses,they used to be "one stop" shopping!! This was also the days when a bong had a carburetor hole on the side and you werent allowed to use the word "bong"

My friends and I all got our 45's from a little shop attached to a vending company in Irvington NJ. They sold off the used records from the juke boxes. The guy who ran it was a rock expert who's claim to fame was that he had been the drummer for Frankie Valli before anybody ever heard of him. He'd verbally kick his own arse for leaving them because he didn't think they were going anywhere. His replacement rode the wave of hits like Rag Doll and others into the history books of rock. We got slightly used records for 50 cents each and scored a little weed at the same time.

After talking about it I had to look it up..It was Amyl says the rave scene made it popular again in the 90's..Okay enough of that useless info...peace
We called it "Poppers" budelee.....same thing. It has an industrial use. Certain metal cleaning baths produce cyanide which can cause heart attacks. The "poppers" can be inhaled to kick start the heart. Or to give a stoner a great short lived buzz !
Also used at the point of orgasm to ....well yo know......eP.
We called it "Poppers" budelee.....same thing. It has an industrial use. Certain metal cleaning baths produce cyanide which can cause heart attacks. The "poppers" can be inhaled to kick start the heart. Or to give a stoner a great short lived buzz !
Also used at the point of orgasm to ....well yo know......eP.
Amyl, another blast from the past, mid 60's, here is another dumb shit one from that era, break open a nasal inhaler and eat the contents, like taking a "white", nervousness with no redeeming psyche or social value. Never got behind the chemicals of that time, gravitated to what I could grow and brew.
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[QUOTdon't understandenguin, post: 964775, member: 21612"]We called it "Poppers" budelee.....same thing. It has an industrial use. Certain metal cleaning baths produce cyanide which can cause heart attacks. The "poppers" can be inhaled to kick start the heart. Or to give a stoner a great short lived buzz !
Also used at the point of orgasm to ....well yo know......eP.[/QUOTE]
No I don't understand, at the point of orgasm its used for what? Please explain. I think we are going to need diagrams and detailed drawings to highlight your point.
No I don't understand, at the point of orgasm its used for what? Please explain. I think we are going to need diagrams and detailed drawings to highlight your point.

My pet penguin told me this in a dream:
I've experienced sex with poppers, and I think it's very nice!

I've snorted it during sex, and you feel a very warm feeling, and you really fall "in love", but I imagine this is because I was with the person I love also...I've tried it also when I was reaching orgasm, and it is awesome!! It's a strange feeling, not dissimilar to other drugs..... but, I'd rather be stoned!

No diagrams required?



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