Big day later today.....chop chop chop for the three remaining auto's in the tent. I've been a bit preoccupied recently so took my eyes off the two photo's I had drying, dried a bit too much so into the jars with some damp tissue overnight just to get some moisture back in it for the cure, it was like bone bone dry you just had to touch it and it crumbled.
The veggies are coming along grandly, I've harvested the peas, didn't get a great amount but enough for the kids to enjoy picking a podding them....the better half made them into a soup, she does a lovely vegetable soup.
Toms and cucumbers all getting fat and the beans have all taken off rather spectacularly.
I'll get some pics up here and in the veggie thread later just waiting for the batteries to charge.
Here's a sneak preview of the ones coming down tonight, these were taken about a week and half ago, they've been on plain water for the past ten days and the smell is incredible can't wait to get all sticky later
Sorry to bust this up but I was out cutting the grass in my back garden and discovered a bee hive sticking out of the grass...WTF never seen that before... Any of you guys know a safe way to remove this as I cannot allow the kids out till its gone?
Top Three Things I trust More Than Hilary Clinton:
1. Mexican Tap Water
2. A Badger with a Pet Me sign
3. A drink mixed by Bill Cosby....................
He may get incredibly sticky, I've only taken the fan and smaller leaves off so far and everything I touch sticks to me, makes rolling a smoke very tricky
I am getting there, all be it slowly I seem to spend most of my time trying to get the spliff I'm smoking to get off my fingers.
I've just about got the fan and larger sugar leaves off so it's just a matter of cutting the branches and hanging them back in the tent for a few days and I'll decide once it's dry if it needs another closer trim.
Few pics from this afternoon and just now that's not me it's my minion who if I'm teaching how to grow he can learn how to chop and trim at the same time.
Just realized I've still got a whole plant to go yet so it will be a late one for me tonight
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