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I felt I wanted to share some photos of that trip, it's great to share when someone apreciate it :)

The 'Dam is something Special to All of us Stoners..but I Like to See everyones holiday photos..there are a lot of places in the World I'll never get to Visit..but if someone Shares at least I get to See it...:thumbsup:

Aunty what have you done ! are you trying to kill eP? if he see's that he will surly lose all his feathers!! :pighug:

Doh...:doh:..I tripped over a metal tent peg and put a nice hole in the top of me toe..:oops1:..iodined it..went to help hubby with the weeds..lifted me foot to trample a reed down and toed the bloody cinder it Burst open..
How does that toe feels like? Ahhhhhhhhhh. Pain?

Funny enough..after my nerve damage pain..which is off the Richter Scale when it is Active..I very rarely feel ordinary pain now.
I do when it happens..the initial impact..but I don't even feel it now.

I don't know if it is because I'm Used to such High pain levels it doesn't Register..or if I'm so well Medicated.. doesn't get through..

. I don't know if it is because I don't know if it is because I'm Used to such High pain levels it doesn't Register..or if I'm so well Medicated.. Used to such High pain levels it doesn't Register..or if I'm so well Medicated.. doesn't get through..:crying:

Hahaha. If i could guess it will be option number 2 :)
Hahaha. If i could guess it will be option number 2 :)
Hi Tdam my wife and i talk all the time about going to the Dam.We just got back from a long trip,man was i tired.I,ve come to the conclusion i,m prolly to old and broke to make it to the Dam.LOL.As soon as our money tree starts bearing fruit,we shall all go to the Dam together,do yall think they would let my Lab,go in Barneys .LOL.Peace.
Sober ? NEVER ! For gawdsake boss, you really are a clumsy little tele-tubby. I'm on my way with the first aid kit and some Lemon Haze. Be a brave soldier and I will kiss it better.

Elvis, I am going through one of my Kurt Cobain / Elvis / Bon Scott episodes. So the band may have to go on tour without me. (Hey, no cheering at the back!) Unless you can sober me up. Do you accept the challenge ?

Pe. hic !
AArrrr , the time has come , please feel sorry for me . My daughter has her 16 th saturday night , so far 15 girls and 5 boys , and most are sleeping over . Now you city folks have to understand they are bush kids , so I have set up a electric fence around the no go area , Nar just kidding , but I do have this .
so here I will sit in my home office with my swag rolled out and one eye open , no hanky panky here young fella . Now I have to hang a dead fish up to cover the smell the bloody toe rags will know what it is . Lucky the young fellas know me and already fear me .
I agree with u fairlynew! I think every guy(ladies can go aswell) in the world have to visit Netherlands at least once in their life. For me when I was 19/20, young and stupid it was woooooow what a cool country, Both weed and prostitutes in the same place wich is both unlegal where I'm from, i tried the weed and i tried the womens :baby:

And Thailand, i recommend thailand warmly! If u got the cash buy yourself a ticket and just go. I have had the best time of my life there. Pharmacys,party, girls, beach, massage, food, freedom... .freedom.....freedom. :woohoo1:
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