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View attachment 462675

Tunnel..all vents and doors open with a through wind...

View attachment 462676

Top temp is yesterdays peak..second one was current temps at 1 pm today..and the bottom one was the overnight is Warm....:whew:

Thanks for the rep much appreciated..
I thought I was having problems with mine reaching the high 30's
You need some of this Mossy

I believe it also comes in white
View attachment 462675

Tunnel..all vents and doors open with a through wind...

View attachment 462676

Top temp is yesterdays peak..second one was current temps at 1 pm today..and the bottom one was the overnight is Warm....:whew:

It's gonna come in to it's own, with your late season chillies and great in the springtime to bring on your young plants but summer time in your tunnel is a death warrant for all things leafy as it stands.:watering:
Aaaaahhhhhhhh that's better!
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What a Lovely room The Elvis..I could sleep in there with all those girls....:vibe:..breathing in the Essence...:dancer:

What the RH% Because that is too warm for me to work in! :(

RH is low Mikey..I'll check it out tomorrow for you..but we is Dry.
You get into Spanish way of life..if you have anything heavy to do it early morning or late night..siesta through the mid day heat.

or you could use it for a pig roast.:fire:

Yeah..hadn't Thought of that nammy...:pighug:

yikes !! thats hot!!!:yoinks:

Yeah...:thumbsup:..outdoor temps peaked at 39.4 'C in the shade at around 6.30 pm..
you couldn't stand on he patio in your bare feet..

You know that heat wave that is due to hit the UK..?..we are Percolating it for you..:coffee:

arty is spot on..we don't Use the tunnel in the summer...the new germs are on the patio under the keep them cool.
Yeah thanks Spain for the heat your sending us lol :rofl:

Wednesday is looking like the day it is gonna hit looks to be about 29C-30C where I am and could go to 33C in the east and I was enjoying the cool UK summer too.:hothot:

So far this summer my grow room has been enjoying lovely temps, come Wednesday, it might be a different matter :point:

Maybe it's time to go to the coast and sit in the shade on a nice pebbly beach where the bucket and spade brigade won't be there, en mass :D and where there will be a nice sea breeze to cool things down.

Someone told me the rest of the summer is supposed to be really hot, oh the joy of it, I just can't wait, yay (anyone detect a hint of sarcasm?) lol

I guess I won't mind so much once my crop is in jars and I'm baking in another way :D

Grumpy summer bloke out, have a great day yawl.

I know there was some talk here about Top Gear...................last ever one in the format we knew is on soon!

UK viewers only, stoners accepted...............I'm sure someone will
ScreenHunter_397 Jun. 28 19.38.jpg Pet Hate..Ping-pong..I mean who wants to play Ping-Pong on the bloody beach..? isn't isn't makes you look like a Prat..and it annoys everyone lying around you with the bloody pong..:doh:..I mean..if you are Bored..go for a Walk...:vibe:..go Home..go anywhere..without your ping pong paddles.


Can you Think of anything else we can Moan about Feenix..?...I'm Enjoying it...:coffee:

You don't really want to get me started.
I have a simple gripe. Did you ever try to buy shoes online. Your ping pong reference is a better description. $150 for good shoes for my wife who is on her feet all day at work and they can't match her size so we've gone back and forth. The size over, the size under, then wider. They pay the shipping both ways but it is still a pain. We should all have such minor gripes.
Mark Ruffalo Tells Amazing Story About Unwittingly Smoking Pot On Stage
It's not entirely clear how Mark Ruffalo's amazing anecdote about accidentally smoking pot on stage slipped through the Internet's cracks the first time around, but, luckily, it's being given a second chance to make your day so much better.

Appearing on the Graham Norton Show last year, Ruffalo casually let drop this hilarious tidbit: A fellow actor once pranked him into smoking a joint in front of a live audience during the opening night of a play.

"There was a play that I did where I smoked a joint in the first scene," Ruffalo tells Norton. "And of course there was a very naughty young actor that I was in the play with who, on the opening night with all of the critics, he slipped a real joint onto the prop table."

The story itself is enough to give you a contact high, but the way Ruffalo tells is nothing short of Oscar-worthy.

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